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Deadly's Distress and Betrayel (Chambers' idea)


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Name: Deadly


Who helped (If applicable): Chambers, Bbstine, & Lighig


Event Name: Distress and Betrayal.


Summary of the story: Senator Gume and his aide came on board to do an inspection of the Resolute. While they were on board the Resolute, a LAAT sent out an automated distress signal and had an injured trooper onboard. They learn a venator had been ambushed from a unknown CIS fleet. The senator's aide, who is secretly a CIS agent (Senator might be corrupt too), lets the CIS know about this discovery, and the CIS arrives to destroy the Resolute before they can alert the republic of their fleet!


What was the result of the event?: Total Republic Victory


Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both


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