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Barrel's Staff App


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RP Name: SC TR3 Barrel

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:46160643




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

The staff team is a reliable group of dedicated individuals who care greatly about the quality of game play and the strength of the community. Through all my time on servers, it has amazed me how staff teams have the ability to constantly work together as a team to solve problems of any stature. In the past, I have shown dedication to servers with records of daily activity and organization. I am skilled at document management and during my time on Nomad and Sanction Networks, I developed many useful training techniques along with inventing a system of disciplinary repercussions.  If  you're reading this and still don't trust me to withhold my position with dignity and passion, I promise a new start. I pledge to to uphold the honor of being apart of something greater, and that I will hold all of my values to match that of the brotherhood code.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I've played on swrp for over a year and I know many people on the server from Icefuse networks. Over my time playing on Gmod I have been the a senior admin, admin, and Trial moderator on other servers as well. I believe I have the experience and the dedication for being a staff member. 

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-1 after I applied for free the first time on icefuse back in february, you spread lies, started drama, and were just an all around pain. A few weeks after I became gree, you and Daniel wiped the roster and you were blacklisted from my battalion. You then started coming onto the teamspeak and telling one of my officers to kill himself among other things. You are an immature minge who should not be apart of the staff team.  


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17 minutes ago, Egg said:

-1 after I applied for free the first time on icefuse back in february, you spread lies, started drama, and were just an all around pain. A few weeks after I became gree, you and Daniel wiped the roster and you were blacklisted from my battalion. You then started coming onto the teamspeak and telling one of my officers to kill himself among other things. You are an immature minge who should not be apart of the staff team.  


Can confirm all of this.

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So I am unaware of the drama you speak of other than my post on you commander application (posted at the bottom) and the times I came into the TS I was checking in with my boiz Kane and Koval, I have no idea why I would tell them to kill themselves? I believe the reason I was taken from the battalion is because I stopped playing for a while, not because of other reasons.




Hello, my name in 41st GC HVYL 2LT Barrel and I have played on the server for 8 months. I have been in the battalion for a good while. During the past month, me and my fellow officers have all agreed that our higher officers neglected the battalion other than our COL Daniel and Pyle. These higher ups include Dreams, Bronco, Egg, CJ, and others. If you only know that egg is in 41st but don't know the status of his activity, please read further.


After dreams had obtained the rank of commander, many of our officers and higher ups ere optimistic for the days to come. The first few weeks were very productive and most of us were sure that dreams would be the gree that everyone needed so we were all in good moods. The next few weeks get very...dry. Recruits were still coming in but each higher up was seen less and less. Dreams wasn't communicating as much with the battalion but he was in the teamspeak now and then. A few weeks later all of the once new people were high ranking sergeants and once they got the roster us officer had realized how many people we hadn't seen in weeks including dreams. This meant that every officer COL and below was powerless to how the higher officers could treat our men or how active they really are. Since this continued for many weeks, the higher officers took advantage of everyone so they could keep their rank. Let me explain how Bronco, EGG, and others thought. With an inactive commander, any of the people who have a high rank don’t have to worry about ever getting demoted or yelled at so instead of actually staying active, they come in teamspeak/the server for a couple hours a week, and promote whoever they think did good * WITHOUT CHECKING THE LAST TIME THEY HAD BEEN PROMOTED* For example: A week or two ago, An event was starting and egg had just popped in to the teamspeak. Most of the sergeants don't recognize who he was but didn't question him since he was the GC commander. When the event is over, egg promotes one of our 2LT Reptilia. If you know Reptilia, you would agree that he is a great soldier but there was only one problem. He had been promoted less than 24 hours before to 2LT and has only been on the server for about 2 weeks. This type of thing was constantly happening with the higher ups and nobody could do anything about it but our inactive commander.  Of course, we as a battalion were wanting to speak up for ourselves to address all that had happened so we planned to write a cohesive commander demotion forum post. Then, Dreams posted a regimental commander application so our officers decided to wait for the posts out come to be reached. We were also planning to elect a new commander (COL Daniel and Pyle) since he was the only active higher up that supported us and wasn't exploiting us for his own rank. This new commander would then help demote the inactive officers to a rank that the other side of the ranks they deserved. Egg has had an impact on the battalions future, but I do not recommend any of these inactive officers for the position of commander Gree. Egg has abused his rank and I hope every that has responded to this post will take that into consideration. Thank you.

Edited by Barrel
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Congratulations! Your application has been accepted for an interview. Please contact an Overseer+ by August 10th. If you fail to do this you will be automatically denied for staff.

Best of luck!

Personal note: I held off on accepting this due to the -1's, however because all of the -1's are from the same battalion and no other -1's have been posted for a few days I am now accepting this.

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