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Twrgy's Application


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RP Name: RC 40 Delta Squad TECH Fixer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33490105

Age: 15

Gender: M

Timezone: PST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

An admins job is to keep everything within a reasonable or proper limits, and it's pretty self-explanatory. I would like to begin this application about my maturity. The quote, "Age is just a number, and maturity is a choice" pretty much explains everything.I can say that I am very mature and responsible for my own actions, and I am able to respond to situations in a proper manner and act whenever it is appropriate. Even I may be 15, I am trusted easily and you can be assured.

Next up, my ability to be a good leader, and listen to suggestions from others. This is an important quality that I believe every admin should have. Being an admin means more than just having a higher position, it means to set a good example for people so they will follow you and not walk down the wrong path. Setting a good example for them to follow also gains you respect and admiration. Listening to suggestions is also a key to being a good admin (of course you should use common sense). The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people. Not everyone is perfect and I know that I don't know everything and things I believe in may not be what others will believe in. I enjoy the moments when somebody gives my advice on something or tell me that I'm doing something incorrectly. This way I can be a better person myself and give the advice to other people.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I am a very mature and smart individual, I know when to be strict and firm but I also know how to have fun and be loose. I am really good with common sense and making quick actions. I make YouTube videos when I am off the computer and I have built a pretty big following off that and I have been starting to hang out with some huge names on youtube. So I know hard work and dedication, having to sit myself down every night after a full day of filming and having to edit for 2-5 hours is not fun but I worked hard through it. I am willing to put all the dedication I can into this server!

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Yes, I used to be staff on synergy a couple months ago.


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