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RP Name: RANCOR H LK K VI Bobonater3

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15660710

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): 

I want to become an administrator on this server because I feel that I can bring a positive impact to the server by always answering calls/tickets, enforcing the rules, and continue to keep everyone in a serious roleplay attitude. I want to be able to build sims so everyone will have a greater experience. I want to guarantee that the minges, spammers, rule breakers are punished for their actions, and contribute to always have a staff member online. Besides that, I think that there is a limited amount of staff online at times and not everyone is being helped immediately. I thought I would fill in there for a start. Lastly, I truly want to help out the community and make this server a better experience for everyone.

I believe I will be a good administrator because I have plenty experience with being a staff member an Garry's Mod, I have knowledge about Star Wars and the Clone Wars. I am 17 and I am mature and patient, which is crucial when taking sits or dealing with problems on the server. I also have great communication skills as I use every day for my job, school, etc. I look at situations from the different point of views to fully understand what is going on. Also, I am active on this server at all different times of the day. I am also a Trainer and love helping and welcoming new members to the community. My previous staff history is Moderator for Genesis Dark RP, Elite Administrator for TTT-Backstab, Administrator for Defconnation's Purge, and Vet Administrator on Icefuse.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hi i am 18 years old and I am a mature, patient, and talkative person. I am a very friendly and nice person, I love to help out others. I am good at explaining and teaching things, and I am very patient. I am very helpful and like when people ask me questions, I enjoy helping others and making sure we all have fun. In real life, I love hanging out with friends and I am very active with sports to running and lastly going to the gym. I was never a video game person but I am in love with star wars RP. I've been playing clone wars RP for over a year and I still love it. I am currently in High School going back for an extra year, grade 13. I am doing well in school but just not ready to start post-secondary school. I am also from CANADA so that is a little about myself EH.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes: My previous staff history is Moderator for Genesis Dark RP, Elite Administrator for TTT-Backstab, Senior Administrator for Defconnation's Purge, 1 above Administrator on Icefuse, Vet Admin on Synergy CWRP, Admin on Synergy TTT, and lastly I became an Admin on Synergy again.

Edited by Bobonater3
I dont remember the rank above admin on icefuse
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Rules on name state no numbers in it but you've ignored that since you've returned to the server.

In the past you've taken plenty of second chances from your minging ways, not even gonna bring up the events.

It just seems like it has been an on/off case. Perhaps you've improved in the last few months but the community feedback will reveal that.

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9 minutes ago, Zyner said:


Rules on name state no numbers in it but you've ignored that since you've returned to the server.

In the past you've taken plenty of second chances from your minging ways, not even gonna bring up the events.

It just seems like it has been an on/off case. Perhaps you've improved in the last few months but the community feedback will reveal that.


1 minute ago, AlextheConqustidor said:

-1 your form has errors like saying you are both 17 and 18, icefuse admin thing was off, and you have minged before.

-Yes, I did minge once before for about 2 days when I resigned which was about 6 months ago. I did also mess up 1 event right when I resigned, Zyner don't make it sound like I destroyed hundreds of events, I actually made many cool and fun ones.

-No one has ever spoken to me about having the number 3 in my same and told me to take it out.

-And lastly, don't try and say that being on/off is a bad thing. When I was staff, I staffed for multiple months at a time. More than most staff members do. When you think about it, i was never on/off, I transferred to TTT to try and help it out but it did not succeed so I was sent back over to CWRP.

Sorry Zyner but i believe you have many personal problems with me when I was Plo Koon, Please judge me on my recent performance. I have been back for a few months now and I took everything seriously. Please come talk to me in TS so we can settle the differences between us.

Thanks for the feed back

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Thanks for the feedback but if you say that I have recently been mingy the past few months, please say when or what I was doing because to my knowledge I screwed around twice and it was in private with rancor in our bunks and TS.

I'm just confused that you say I am mingy, but the last time that you guys would have seen me mingy would be last October/November just before i left the server.

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Unfortunately, your application has been DENIED due to poor community feedback.

You may reapply for staff in 30 days. (4/30/18)

Please take this time to look over this feedback from the community and help change your application for the better!


//Moved to Staff Applications - Denied

  • Agree 1


Currently: SGM

Previously: HA | TRM | BCMD Bacara x4 | CMD Keller x4

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