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How's it going everyone, just gonna throw a few things here about myself, why i'm here, and what I plan to do on the server

I've been away from Gmod Clonewars for awhile, originally part of ASG and played there as it changed from community to community, eventually stopping and moving onto other games, as the community fell through due to lack of leadership.


Just a few days ago I talked to some old members about what they've been up to and decided to try out Synergy after getting introduced to it by Tyzen. 


On ASG I was a dedicated soldier to the Unassigned, and I plan to do the same on this server, frankly Unassigned CT's are always looked down upon, despite being the lifeline of all servers and communities as fresh players leads to a larger population and more money to be made within servers. The treatment of CT's and their place on the server tends to eventually reflect the server performance.

I've always believed that the most important thing is when a new person joins CW for the first time or even just a new server, its best that they get a feel for how everything works on that server. Getting a feel for the events, community, and functions of each battalion before joining. Sadly it does not seem to work in such a way on this server, despite these setbacks I find it in my best interest to fight and preserve the integrity of the CT, and to falter the degraded shadow that is cast over them, by outperforming to my best ability and bringing honor to the Unassigned. I want to show that being a CT or any lower rank within a battalion should not be looked down upon by those who think they are superior or more powerful due to rank or experience, and to stop the stereotype of the CT!



Also for anyone who decides to waste their time and read through this, please stop asking me to join battalions, its annoying as hell.

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43 minutes ago, Rocketpackgolem said:

wanna join my battalion?

I was literally waiting for someone to do this XD.


Hello Sock Monkey!

If you ever see CT's being mistreated in-game don't hesitate to let me know! 
Good to see someone helping out and teaching the CT's! (I smell the potential return of 101st (ish) battalion) 

- Battalion Commander Doom

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