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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14514594




Gender: Male


Timezone: PST


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Through my time in this server I have grown accustomed to its community and the kindness or sometimes even the worst it can offer. I have staffed before and I’d like to think, (No matter how arrogant this is), that I have a good sense of judgment when dealing with minges and/or overall trolls of the like.  I enjoy helping with events. A disadvantage I would have would be the major time difference between myself and other staff members, I say this as a courtesy as being three hours behind WITH school will hinder my ability sometimes. I want to do more server because I think that this is the best opportunity to help since the server is populated every single day. And honestly? Real Talk? I like to help people. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I matter even if for a moment. Kinda sad right? Though that’s what 2479 hours on a game do to a person.


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I’m 18 years old, going to community college for general education so that I can transfer to a four-year university. Although I am still in High School I want to do something along the lines of cinematography or possibly even voice acting since I enjoy doing both. I also enjoy editing videos, hence the cinematography interest. 


Do you have any previous staff experience?

I have previously staffed for Grox Gaming Kingdom RP, Gaminglight Star Wars RP, to which I was also the builder for some events. I was super admin of another Star Wars Server though it was more like regular Dark RP than the serious roleplay I see today.

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The +1's

Previous Experience

The -1's

You're still a little fresh to the server

Overall: Neutral

Notes: Try to get yourself out there a little bit more. Do more training, answer questions in OOC, offer tours around the ship to new CT's. Participate in every way you can to get your name out there and create a positive reputation for yourself.

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Congratulations Dingo! Your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

You have until 4/3/18 to contact me or an OVS+ for your interview

Failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending


Currently: SGM

Previously: HA | TRM | BCMD Bacara x4 | CMD Keller x4

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