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The Mustufar Disasters


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Name: Wombat

Who helped (If applicable): Egg/Gree, Jefferson, Jek

Event Name: The Mustafar Disaster

Summary of the story: All battalions were deployed to stop an invasion from the CIS. The CIS bomb the station before deploying droids to attack. Whilst this is all happening Volcanoes, earthquakes and orbital strikes are incoming. At the end, a firenado fucked some people up.

What was the result of the event?: Droids were eliminated and a small nuke dropped.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.

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3 minutes ago, Quarantine said:

-1, next time please don't spawn droids on top of the spawns and/or troopers. If this hadn't happened 10 times over to me I wouldn't even be recognizing the issue

All the spawns are random on the map.

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3 minutes ago, Quarantine said:

-1, next time please don't spawn droids on top of the spawns and/or troopers. If this hadn't happened 10 times over to me I wouldn't even be recognizing the issue

As one of the gamemasters for this event, I am sorry but for some of the maps the spawns are not set to be in a specific location. On mustafar and a few others, the spawns are random and sorry about the spawning.

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First of all the let's talk about the bombs, In any event, you're mainly supposed to be able to talk to your brothers or at least be able to hear the others in a Teamspeak. The bombs were non-stop, Couldn't hear a single thing during that event. second thing is that the spawns on the map and the objective which was to defend the base which standing outside with no cover would get you killed of course, But when you couldn't even spawn because of the sheer amount of droids that randomly come out of your asshole as your respawned was way too much not counting the many times that droids just came out of no-where hell some were even coming out of the lava.
Also, a little-added thing is that there are multiple ways of actually making a shoot-em-up event actually fun but adding bombs just kinda made it chaotic.


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