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Null Trainings


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So as most commanders know now. Kal and his Null are now to be considered "Trainers" Not as CC trainers in the TR program, but as in they help train clone troopers in every battalion.

We had a meeting held by General @Zim along with Palpatine and a few commanders of every battalion squad. My initial plan as improving Null relations with the server is to, not only continue the legacy of Null drills that were held by previous Kal's, make Kal and Null more lore friendly. Kal Skirata in Lore was a trainer of Clones, Commandos, and of Course Null.


My plan is to have them as follows.


Null (In lore) are highly trained operators, so I'm going to work with my guys to make sure they are as they should be. Once they're good to go. I'll work with them to schedule training and evaluations, similar to Rancor's thing. It's not exactly the same thing, It's again, to help improve public relations. While we will be working with Rancor and every BCMD for the training, our training will be as follows. Give the Null Class ARC Training benefits, tactical advice, and so on. EOD/TECH/Med will be held by GM/Naval/RM, we do plan to help them out with this. So this means more RP work for us to show that we're committed to our roles as "Top Tier Operators".


Example: 104th is tasked with negotiations. So we'll work with 104th in various scenarios of potential hostage situations, like rescue, talking to the captivator, ect.

501st: One of the GAR's largest battalions, They need good communication skills, leadership, and tactics. We'll aid them in every possibly situation.

Special Ops. Sneaky bastards, they're good at gathering intel. We'll help them where needed.

It goes on and on. We plan on having tons of fun with this.

If anyone has questions feel free to ask them here, any suggestions? Same thing.


RC will be assisting when available, I cannot control them, that is up to the Squad Leads.

I know we've had many reports of Null being minges. I'm laying the smack down on this. If you see mingy null. (Read the Null lore to figure out how they'd act most of the time.) They'll get a swift kick in the ass, and possibly booted from Null. The founders, Directors want SO BDE to act like they should and that's what's gonna happen from here on out.


We are also currently working on a calendar for training days. Working on rules for the training and so on, I'll let you all know when it's completed.


-Signed, Papa Kal. (Korm)

Edited by Korm
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  • Founder

Yes Finally!

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Heck null. I feel bad for their regimental. Heckin rebels.

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