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Montys 10 tips to being happy

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So instead of making another shit post I though I’d make something that people could actually use! So these are Monty’s 10 tips to being happy


10:go out of your way to help. Sometimes weather it’s just a hand to help someone who fell or cleaning up a park you can do good in a lot of ways! Everything counts no matter how small


9:stay positive! Life can get ya down sometimes so you gotta find that positive spin! Say your save got deleted you get the chance to play a game over again! Or you got demoted you could have gotten removed but didn’t! Find the positive spin on life!


8:Be encouraging. Encouraging someone can really help them do better becuase they know someone’s behind them cheering them on!


7:Be nice to others. Even if it’s just a “excuse me” when U bump into someone it’s nice to be nice even in small ways.


6:Do things u love. Stay happy by doing things u love! Weather it’s playing video games or reading a book do something fun for you!


5:Volenteer at a animal shelter. I personal do this and it’s a joy when u spend time with the animals. They are always so happy to see you and that makes you happy as well! It’s important to remember we are not the only beings on earth!


4:Listen. Yeah ok so we know that listening to people’s story’s can be rlly boring BUT it makes them feel good. Maybe just text your grandparents or parents or someone and ask them about their day! It’s boring but it’s a good way to make someone feel good!


3:Show you care. Maybe just give someone a present or a hug to make them feel better!


2:Talk it out. When I’m sad I feel the best way to feel better is to talk it out to someone! Hopefully they will listen and understand!


1:(this ones cheesy) Be true to yourself! Don’t always go with the crowd do what YOU want and what makes YOU happy!

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