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Markstr0ms Staff App


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RP Name: CT PVT Markey

Steam ID:  http://steamcommunity.com/id/elle20021/ or 76561198078267888

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Timezone: UTC+01:00 Central Europe Timezone, Stockholm

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be staff to help with sits as well as punishing rule breakers, Warning the player makes them not want anymore, Encouraging them.
I am also very active on the server and have been since the day I found it. I would generally want to help out with sits as well as taking them, By also ocassionally telling people to use @ to contact a staff member.
As of the server being very in my likings, I would like to also help out with general issues/problems, Trying to help as many people as I can.
If I would became staff, I would always be ready to help as soon as contacted, and trying to get faster and faster at doing so. if possible I would like to help making events if possible

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Im a big Garrysmod fan, I love SWRP. Im a huge gamer play as much as I can. I also have a family that i do stuff with, and I got alot of school stuff atm so I have to stud7y alot but Im gettig on server atleast 1-5h onv the days. Every 2nd weekends Ic ant get on serevr because Im at my mums house on odd weeks and cant bring my pc there. Btw My name is CT PCT Markey because I have been waiting along time for CG tryouts I just want to join that regimentits my 2nd favorite one.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Yes I do on:

2 Arma 3 RP serevr

3Garrys mod Rp server

2 Garrys mod SWRP servers

2 Unturned servers.

and 1 Arma 2 server

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1. Never heard or seen you.

2. CT pct ? Theres no "ct" its 101st and whats "pct" ?

3. When they ask for previous staff positions, please tell us what servers and what was your rank please.

4. I think this was made just to get into the staff team.

5. Not a good application.



Good luck.

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Unfortunately, your application has been DENIED due to poor community feedback.

You may reapply for staff in 30 days. (3/12/18)

Please take this time to learn from this criticism to better yourself in the community!


//Moved to Staff Applications - Denied


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