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[Cwrp] Jedi skill tree bug/glitch

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Bug type: Glitch or bug not sure which

Severity:Medium to high

Evidence none

Description Don't know how you get it but heard that you do something with skill tree and get absorbant amount of health and shield and your run faster and jump higher


Edited by inspector
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Head Admin

Could you provide more details?

Edited by blazin

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  • 2 weeks later...

This bug happened to me as well, I was really confused and didn’t know it was a bug lol, basically it’s when resetting your stats, if you spam the button to reset, for that life, you keep your old stats, as well as receiving the new stats that you upgrade with the skill points, it only lasts for 1 life though 

Not 100% sure if I’m correct on how it overall works, but it does come from you resetting your skill points

@blazin Figured I’d @ you because you asked about it.

Edited by Edgar
  • Informative 1

Future Adult!

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On 7/19/2024 at 3:32 PM, blazin said:

Could you provide more details?

He's referring to the original contents of this bug report. it is exactly the same.

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