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Shinderu's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 212th W1 ENGO SGM Shinderu

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:51066848

Age: 18

Gender: M

Timezone: Pacific Standard

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I play on the server a lot now and I wish to help the community by keeping problems on the server low. I wish to also be able to put my two sense in on staff meetings when I can to better the community and my battalion. I want to be able to help people out in my time zone because sometimes when I am on there are not as many staff members on. Becoming a staff member not only gives me the power to protect the server from minges and disrespect but also gives me the ability to do some fun simulations for battalions in the future as I climb the ladder as a staff member of synergy. The fact that I have been a staff before is a great deal of help because I understand what to do and what not to do. I have made mistakes from previous encounters and have learned from them making myself a more experienced person when it comes to moderating.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I have played on many Star Wars RP servers and have probably about 2 and a half years of experience.  I try to hear both sides of an argument before I make a decision and try to mend the gap between the two if possible. If I know that the problem is to much I know that I can go to another staff for help, not just make a wrong choice by myself.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Yes I do, I was a staff member on about two servers so I understand what is acceptable to be a staff member.

Edited by Shinderu
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