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Serious RP, true or naw?

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Veteran Admin

Is the server actually planning on moving to serious RP?
If that's true, what's the plans for that? or do people even want that?

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Head Admin

Based off what I've seen, people want serious/RP heavy ES deployments and then a more relaxed environment on main. 

Current: Yoda 

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau

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Veteran Admin
15 minutes ago, blazin said:

Based off what I've seen, people want serious/RP heavy ES deployments and then a more relaxed environment on main. 

People want it but they aren't taking steps towards it, its why im asking. I don't want to go asking Directors and shit especially when players arent doing anything about it

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Head Admin
5 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

People want it but they aren't taking steps towards it, its why im asking. I don't want to go asking Directors and shit especially when players arent doing anything about it

Generally people always want things, but never wanna actually put in the work to achieve said things. I know @Marvel has been cooking up suggestions to move the server in that direction. Ultimately best thing we can do as a staff team is host quality ES deployments when we hit pop that encourage the players to actually RP. 

Current: Yoda 

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau

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We have no plans on labeling the server as serious RP or anything of the sort again. However we have been pushing for more serious RP to occur on the server and are pushing to increase standards by enforcing rules we've gotten lax on.

Ultimately this is all up to the players and commanders to push and enforce. I can only push out so many announcements but if people in staff and leadership positions aren't enforcing it themselves then nothing will truly change. Regardless change won't happen overnight. It'll take some time especially with how relaxed we have been for the last two years.

  • Agree 1


i am literally captain tukk

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Veteran Admin
5 hours ago, Marvel said:

We have no plans on labeling the server as serious RP or anything of the sort again. However we have been pushing for more serious RP to occur on the server and are pushing to increase standards by enforcing rules we've gotten lax on.

Ultimately this is all up to the players and commanders to push and enforce. I can only push out so many announcements but if people in staff and leadership positions aren't enforcing it themselves then nothing will truly change. Regardless change won't happen overnight. It'll take some time especially with how relaxed we have been for the last two years.

I understand what you mean, have the commanders also wanted to push it? Only commanders I’ve seen do RP at times I’ve been on is only two. 

I’ve tried to push for some passive RP since I was naval with ENG, it’s pretty dead and I’ve heard MED also died. Been trying to think of ways to increase or improve it Ngl but I’m struggling to think of ways. 

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Veteran Admin
5 hours ago, blazin said:

Generally people always want things, but never wanna actually put in the work to achieve said things. I know @Marvel has been cooking up suggestions to move the server in that direction. Ultimately best thing we can do as a staff team is host quality ES deployments when we hit pop that encourage the players to actually RP. 

Yeah, I’ve come to notice most of them now is shoot’em ups and people also started to enjoy from one that I did, a Search and destroy basically and TECH RP with shooting. People enjoyed it surprisingly from what I heard.

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23 hours ago, Stormzy said:

I understand what you mean, have the commanders also wanted to push it? Only commanders I’ve seen do RP at times I’ve been on is only two. 

As far as I know, yes. There were a multitude of CMD votes and discussions revolving around pushing for more serious RP and better rule enforcement that the majority of CMDs were supportive of.

Although in my experience people tend to say they want something but don’t put in the work to achieve it. This is the third time since my time as Director that I’ve begun a push like this with a ton of people asking for it and supporting it but it never pans out unfortunately.

As much as I want and I know a handful of people that also want it I cant be in game every second of the day enforcing these things by myself. It needs to trickle down and begin with the CMDs and their officers before it can gain any real traction.


i am literally captain tukk

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On 6/11/2024 at 1:46 PM, blazin said:

Ultimately best thing we can do as a staff team is host quality ES deployments when we hit pop that encourage the players to actually RP. 

Also to piggyback off of this;

I don’t recommend only waiting for ES to attempt RP based events. The issue in the past when ES was open 24/7 for use is that people only expected good events to happen from them. Anything on Main was not worthwhile which was a large component that caused our pop to die because people wouldn’t even bother to get on Main or load back on Main after an ES deployment.

My recommendation is to take full advantage of the void and Sector Two as a GM. Take small squads for more RP focused deployments in these unique environments you create. These events can be on par with ES deployments if done correctly. I think quality goes down when there’s more people partaking in the event which is why events catered to the entire server usually end up just being shootemups.

Take a battalion or subunits on missions by themselves with dupes in the void or just on sector two. More importantly reuse events that worked for different groups! If it worked for Ghost Company in certain it will work for Green Company just the same.


i am literally captain tukk

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Head Admin

Having the void and sector 2 back is def huge in terms of GM stuff. Recently we've been hitting 100+ easily which is why I think using ES effectively now will make a huge difference. An example of this is recently me and Kaiser hosted a deployment where battalions known for recon (41st and rancor) got sent in for 20 minutes and then relayed the info they found to the mech and assault battalions that were sent in after them to complete the mission. Everyone (as far as I Know) had a great time and they actually got to do what their battalions are known for.

Current: Yoda 

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau

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Veteran Admin
2 hours ago, Marvel said:

As far as I know, yes. There were a multitude of CMD votes and discussions revolving around pushing for more serious RP and better rule enforcement that the majority of CMDs were supportive of.

Although in my experience people tend to say they want something but don’t put in the work to achieve it. This is the third time since my time as Director that I’ve begun a push like this with a ton of people asking for it and supporting it but it never pans out unfortunately.

As much as I want and I know a handful of people that also want it I cant be in game every second of the day enforcing these things by myself. It needs to trickle down and begin with the CMDs and their officers before it can gain any real traction.

I understand, I’m trying from my end but I’m remaining a CT Ngl. I’m trying to do basic RP which worked today more than I saw in the past few days. 


2 hours ago, Marvel said:

I don’t recommend only waiting for ES to attempt RP based events. The issue in the past when ES was open 24/7 for use is that people only expected good events to happen from them. Anything on Main was not worthwhile which was a large component that caused our pop to die because people wouldn’t even bother to get on Main or load back on Main after an ES deployment.

Going to add to this, I’ve done an event where it was basic RP(Tech) and added some searching shit which worked out well. I think people enjoyed it since it wasn’t your basic just shoot’em up. I feel like the little stuff goes a long way and is a good start towards the moving forward in RP.

2 hours ago, blazin said:

Having the void and sector 2 back is def huge in terms of GM stuff. Recently we've been hitting 100+ easily which is why I think using ES effectively now will make a huge difference. An example of this is recently me and Kaiser hosted a deployment where battalions known for recon (41st and rancor) got sent in for 20 minutes and then relayed the info they found to the mech and assault battalions that were sent in after them to complete the mission. Everyone (as far as I Know) had a great time and they actually got to do what their battalions are known for.

Yeah, i personally think events like those are great. It allows each battalion to do what they are good at. Especially if you are bringing the trainings they are know for like 501st EOD or Rancor TECH or CG Hostage Rescue(I think idk CG, hate those red guys)

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I personally think people on clone jobs have forgotten how to RP like back in 2018-2019. I feel like for some reason if your BCMD isn't participating in RP with you the other ranks do not know what to do to have the aspect of "serious rp" I for one miss the old RP we used to have and would love to see it back, not sure on how we can do that or the steps we need to take but I would love to see it.

because there isn't much rp anymore I haven't even been on the server as much as I would like to because I feel like rp is redundant at this point and like you stated majority of events have just been glorified shoot-em-ups which doesn't help inspire RP either.

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I hope this happens. People don't nor have they wanted serious RP on GMOD servers. Anytime someone does RP they get flamed and bullied for it I.E. Gungan Jedi's, Yoda Voice, or even people using voice changers in regular ass clone armor. GMOD is unfortunately not RP its just people playing as themselves and it kind of sucks. I've never launched GMOD and went "Damn bro, really can't wait to RP today." I hope on like GTA RP or ARK RP for that. Even if there was a like 2nd server that was Serious RP only that would be AMAZING. I just feel like there would only be 10 people max on that server or more minges than main to fuck with real RPers.


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