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BCMD Reports


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Alright, the amount of BCMD reports going up is ridiculous. The worst part is that most of them are memes either, like wtf? People need to learn that a BCMD report is a very serious matter and should be treated as such. Half of the shit can be fixed by simple communication. A battalion commander report is a last resort and too many people are failing to realize that.

Before taking action read the god damn Commander Rules & Regulations. The following is listen as reason for a valid BCMD removal.

  • Inactivity.

  • Battalion disrespect.

  • Promotion of racism, ageism, or any other biases.

  • Inability to maintain numbers within his/her battalion.

  • Consistent minging/fail roleplay or promotion of minging/fail roleplay (with video evidence).

  • Consistently violating server rules.

  • Chronic insubordination or blatant disregard towards superiors (with video evidence).

  • A successful Battalion Commander report.

  • Removed directly by a Director of Staff, Marshal Commander, Senior Commander, or Chancellor.

  • Removed by the vote of the Regimental and Senior Commander.

  • The context for these reasons may differ between battalions.

Remember a BCMD has COMPLETE control over promotions in his/her regiment as they see fit. So unless its "Promoting racism, ageism, or any other bias", your reasoning is invalid.

First off, before even considering a report, you SHOULD be discussing your feelings of the BCMD with your fellow battalion members and the BCMD. Literally half the shit can be cut down by just talking it out. Talk through it and make plans to fix the problem. If its something thats not reportable and the battalion commander refuses your suggestion, then it looks like your out of luck and its time to find a new battalion. Disagreeing with how your commander runs the battalion doesn't make a report valid. If you reason for bringing up your issue a real problem and the refuse to fix or acknowledge the report, then 

If you find yourself still struggling at this point then discuss it with your regimental. Were always more than happy to help, we've got a lot of time on ours hands anyways. At that point your regimental can serve as a 3rd party and assist in resolving the issue. The regimental can provide a clear plan to improve the battalion and take proper steps to intervene. If the regimental deems it a dire enough issue then they can warn the BCMD to fix their shit or be removed by vote of the regimental and senior commander. 

If nothing happens and talking to the relevant Regimental/Senior or even the marshal fails then it is time to create the report, but ONLY after going through the previous steps. If all before processes fail, and your reason stands valid according to the rules and regulations then make a report using the following format. Provide good and sufficient evidence. This includes media, screenshots of BCMDs hours in the last two weeks, testimony (Preferably from multiple and reasonable sources), and other pieces of evidence. One again BCMD reports are a LAST RESORT.


BCMD reports are extremely serious and should be handled as such by using the following process.

Step 1. Make sure you have a valid problem.

Step 2. Discuss it with your BCMD and fellow battalion members.

Step 3. If that fails bring it up your Regimental CMD / Senior / Or Marshal if previous two are unreachable or inapplicable.

Step 4. If everything else fails, and only if, place a BCMD report.

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Yeah so when in the report it says "has the commander violated any rules?:" and your first word is no perhaps the report is invalid. The purpose of a report is not to change things within the battalion but to have the commander demoted from their position. Like Jax said talk to the commander first if all you want to do is change how something is working - Acorn/Rex

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  • Coordinator


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Seems like everyone jumps the gun as always, there is a chain of command for a reason? We have REG commanders for a reason? We have Senior Commanders for a reason? They're not scary they will talk to you about an issue you feel there is within that battalion. Don't JUMP and smash the keyboard and pump out a random report. Reports are serious not jokes.



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Ok lads, I'm going to lay this out nice and simple for everyone.

First Point

Chain of Command

In a military context, the chain of command is the line of authority and responsibility along which orders are passed within a military unit and between different units. Orders are transmitted down the chain of command, from a higher-ranked soldier, such as a commissioned officer, to lower-ranked personnel who either execute the order personally or transmit it down the chain as appropriate, until it is received by those expected to execute it. "Right to command. Command is exercised by virtue of office and the special assignment of members of the Armed Forces holding military rank who are eligible to exercise command."

On our server it goes WO > 2ndLT > 1stLT > CPT > MAJ > LTC > COL > CMD > BCMD > RCMD > SCMD > MCMD

So before you gun straight to the forums and look like a fuckin goober, try to TALK about your issues with a HIGHER UP

Second Point

When it asks " Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?:"  and you say  NO, then the fact you are making the report must mean you are fuckin' retarded, like I'm sorry but WHY THE FUCK WOULD SOMEONE BE DEMOTED IF THEY DIDN'T BREAK THE RULES FOR DEMOTION!?!?! 

Concluding Statements

Please THINK, AT LEAST A LITTLE. It's not very hard. Thank you

have nice day, salute

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15 minutes ago, Washington said:

Ok lads, I'm going to lay this out nice and simple for everyone.

First Point

Chain of Command

In a military context, the chain of command is the line of authority and responsibility along which orders are passed within a military unit and between different units. Orders are transmitted down the chain of command, from a higher-ranked soldier, such as a commissioned officer, to lower-ranked personnel who either execute the order personally or transmit it down the chain as appropriate, until it is received by those expected to execute it. "Right to command. Command is exercised by virtue of office and the special assignment of members of the Armed Forces holding military rank who are eligible to exercise command."

On our server it goes WO > 2ndLT > 1stLT > CPT > MAJ > LTC > COL > CMD > BCMD > RCMD > SCMD > MCMD

So before you gun straight to the forums and look like a fuckin goober, try to TALK about your issues with a HIGHER UP

Second Point

When it asks " Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?:"  and you say  NO, then the fact you are making the report must mean you are fuckin' retarded, like I'm sorry but WHY THE FUCK WOULD SOMEONE BE DEMOTED IF THEY DIDN'T BREAK THE RULES FOR DEMOTION!?!?! 

Concluding Statements

Please THINK, AT LEAST A LITTLE. It's not very hard. Thank you

have nice day, salute

That's the best comment that I have ever seen my G

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3 minutes ago, Runs with Apache said:

If only it worked like suing in certain countries.


If you win the person has to pay (be demoted.)


If you lose then you have to pay (get demoted.)


I promise no reports would happen unless very serious. Oh well.

I mean, that basically is the punishment, because it's all too real they'll be demoted for doing it

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25 minutes ago, Captin_Blackfire said:

I mean, that basically is the punishment, because it's all too real they'll be demoted for doing it

If they are demoted for doing it. Than the BCMD at that point can be removed. Removal of a trooper for the reasoning of that trooper making a Report is a reason for a BCMD to be removed at that very moment.

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