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Name: Boss

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:530398496

Who helped (If applicable): Bana,Ansely,Malore,Bana,Island

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NA

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): PIRATES TOOK OVER A BASE WE HATE THEM SO MUCH!

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: NA

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Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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5/4/5 Actually really enjoyed the Event with my clan, I know we kinda annoyed the GM team with doing our solo missions but thx for making us part of it in the later part of the deplyoment.


Guild Lieutenant Azkeel | Captain of the Guard Krampus | Jedi Padawan Krampus

Dire Squad Lead ARFL MAJ Sprint | 104th ARFO | 104th Jedi Padawan Debitor | Death Korps Leader Hunter Debitor/Krampus/Beelzebub | Guild Marshal Krampus/Loki | Navy RDC PO2 Krampus Navy MED CPO Debitor

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5/5/5  I really enjoyed  integrating the DeathKorps into the deployment should definetly allow more ppl for event jobs in the future this makes for more interactions and RP and makes the deployment more enjoyable. Maybe hold Private DB for those who want to take part in the deployment as event jobs or MSG ppl that are VIP and can help with the Deployments with RP and interactions rather than just shoot em up deployments.

Current: TC REGA Kano


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Veteran Admin

2/4/5 The event ran fine and i could see the idea behind it but i didnt really enjoy the low rp, the Ejs werent trying to even like negotiaite they just started shooted event though they had a hostage. Also wasnt really able to do our own thing we had to go the one way or we would be killed for trying to rp repairing the laats or even for just go to fast. Wasnt a terrible event just the lack of rp and it just being a lot of shooting made it really boring in my opinion.


Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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Head Admin


I did not enjoy this event! I was confused at the start with what the OBJ was, and was also confused when CG did the tech and ENG rp to fix a LAAT and it was hyperspaced away.  I may have misunderstood the objective during that portion, and if so that is on me! 

When we got to the main area, we heard over the intercom that you were basically just spawning on top of anyone using jetpacks. Why not just ban jetpacks at that point? Or limit them to jump packs? 

When CG entered the ATC tower to provide negotiations with weapons on safety, we were gunned down. We then heard that the EJ was doing negotiations RP with others, which was not very cash money. We then just decided to blast our way out, similar to how the entire deployment felt. This felt very shoot em up. Additionally, we're trying to push a lot of EJ's to be providing more RP than just shooting people, but the EJ's were named to car names and just blasted anyone that was getting too ahead, or were just shooting to shoot all around. 

Your plan seemed good for the event and it seemed very well thought out. However, it felt for myself and my battalion that we were being punished for trying to be smarter than our enemy and we didn't have much of a chance of success anywhere. I was also gone for the assault on the Jedi Temple, so if that's where most of the RP was, then I apologize I missed it!

  • Winner 1

       Zeros          Clutch



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This was the only issue for me, felt lost with what I should do, beside just shoot stuff. RP felt little to none. Just needs more juice either then that pretty good.

Care and Effort:4

Felt like it was not a deployment you enjoyed doing.

Server Performance:5

Good job no server lag.

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4/5/4 I mean I got a rocket launcher, but I got a rocket launcher. If you know what I mean (bad idea)

Also some of my boys crashed during near end of deployment that was kind of annoying

Current: 332nd Officer Major ARCL Jesse

Former: Hardcase, Kix, 501st MEDL, Chief Medical Officer, Aviation Manager, Vice Admiral Tarkin


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