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Jirachi's Goodbye (but not forever)

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well boyos, I've loved being on the server for some time now, but the more I've been on it, the more bored I've gotten from it. I thought resigning from staff might help me from the inevitable, but I took an ROA to think upon the past, and now I've found that I just don't have the drive to get on the server anymore, so consider this not a permanent goodbye, but a goodbye for the time being. I've loved every moment on Synergy, really I do, and I'm not leaving because of other people leaving, or leaving because of how I'm seeing the server change, but I've been on none-stop for a while now, and I figured it'd be time to move on to greener pastures. I just wanted to say my goodbyes for the time being:

@Forge my best friend, the person who helped me find so much fun, I expect that the TG will stand strong while you're under the lead, and one day when I'll be back, I wouldn't be surprised if you got high enough to be yoda. I've known you since I was your MEDL in the 187th, and I've seen you grown to surpass me, being multiple leads of branches, and being one of the most active Cin Dralig. I hope that when you find the next Serra Keto, that they carry on the legacy of using a voice changer and do well for the TG.

@Washington my "Husbando" while I was under Serra Keto, you are one of my favorite people to hangout with in the TS. My one thing I wish though is for you to not be so hard on some people at times. You're an awesome guy, an amazing friend, and I hope you won't be too shy to hangout with me in discord

@Cmo my dude, I know I JUST became a master, but I know that there are a lot of people who can easily fill my place, considering that I haven't been active at all since the last meeting. That being said, you are a very good yoda. I hope to come on in a few months and see major changes in the Jedi order.

@Naavi My first real mentor to the server, and a dear friend. My main thing I want to say to you is that I wish I would be able to see and talk to you more often. Feel free to talk to me when you're able to, I DON'T BITE (usually :P).

@Esitt I remember you being in the 187th with me, and seeing your potential grow. You have turned out to be a pretty alright guy, and I hope that however you progress in the server, that you do well! you are a pretty dank guy.

@BCNS another Mentor during my time in the 187th. I'm glad to see you on the server again, and I hope that you are able to find a lot of fun in the server.

@Reaper my first BCMD and an overall goofball, you tried your best to keep the 187th floating when the cards were against you, and have tried to keep a lot of things going at a relatively good pace. Were there things I wish you did or didn't do? yes, but it wasn't my call. You and naavi showed me around when I first joined back on Icefuse and tbh, if you hadn't done so chances are I would've been a debrief shooter. You sowed the seed that became my love for the server, and even when bad things have been going on, you've always found a way to make it fun for you. There were times that I were mad at you for things that weren't in your hands, but in the end, I'm glad that I had met you.

Finally, to all the people I've met and played with, thank you all. Without some of you guys, things wouldn't have been fun for me when it came to the server. This community has it problems as all communities do, but to be honest, I loved (almost) every minute of being on it. If you guys think I'm going to drop off the face of the earth though, you're far from wrong. I'll be in the TS hanging out with as many people as I can who would have me do so. I just need a break from the actual server.

Thank you all for having me experience the community, and I hope one day I will make my return!




I almost forgot one last person:

@Mocaris it seems like ever since I've met you, you've been looking out for me and making sure I was having fun. You are another person I look up to within the community because of your wisdom of being an older member of the community, but also for your compassion at looking out for your friends. You are another one of the so many people that I have met that I have come to respect. One of these days you and I need to play some PUBG.


Edited by JirachiSirachi
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I need to play some games with you sometime


You were one of my first commanders I ever met and got to know well of the 101st, and I saw you do a great job in that position. Strong too, after going through your third battalion wipe and keep going. That takes a iron will.

You're also super friendly, and just generally laid back. Fucking awesome guy.

Godspeed, Jirachi! And good luck in whatever you choose to peruse next!


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If anyone wants to keep in contact with me I have a personal discord, and you can always add me on steam. I'll pop into the TS from time to time to see how things are with everyone ?. Maybe when I've recharged a bit I'll come back but for now I think I'm gonna enjoy getting into contact with old friends and play games I've been putting off

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