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Hey guys :) I will be hosting music bots on Teamspeak and Discord if someone is interested ;) 

If you are interested in a TS3 music bot comment below and we will find a price (In-game credits)





Things i need before i sell it to you:

Get one of the founders permission to do this.

Get your Commander/Officers permission to have it in your channel.



* The bots will be up VERY VERY SOON <3

* The bots can have diffrent admins (Skip song, change song, stop the bot, start the bot etc.)

* The bot can change name now.

* Change song via youtube-dl (with youtube links)

* Make a chat comment everytime it change song (customizable) Fx "Playing: Justin bieber" 

* The bot can only be in 1 channel

* The bots are also for Discord now! :D


If you want anything changed such as names and all that stuff pm me on the forum and it would be changed in 24 hours :)


People who own one of them:

Bbstine, Mike, Nightmare

Have a nice day!

Edited by Firat
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Just now, Washington said:

So I may not know how this works at all, but if it means I can have a music bot that lives in my channel then I’m in. Where do I sign up? 

You can just send me a pm over forum :) 

If you don't know how it works you can try my bot tomorrow ;)  

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3 minutes ago, Weeaboo said:


Just saying there is alot of bugs in that sometimes it dosent connect or it cant join channels cuz of spam :(

The reason why i made this is because i know how to fix them and script :)

I also got a server up so i can get unlimited accounts because you can only have 1 with that

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1 minute ago, Lazer said:

If you boys ever want to use my bot or need help setting one up feel free, I have my bot set so anyone can play any songs from YT or SoundCloud anyone can vote to skip the current song and once it gets to 50% it will skip to the next song.

Is the bot from a website or did you script it yourself? :D

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Just now, Firat said:

Is the bot from a website or did you script it yourself? :D

It's Sinus bot but I have the scripts for the YT search and the vote skip, as well as a, follow me ascript which follows you into whatever channel you join.

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Just now, Lazer said:

It's Sinus bot but I have the scripts for the YT search and the vote skip, as well as a, follow me ascript which follows you into whatever channel you join.

Yeah i also got all that stuff but disabled it because it would be a hell on the ts... xD

Try to find a script or make one yourself like i did to make it more stable ;)

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