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Admins cant ban

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Bug Type (Server:): Admins cant ban 

Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High

Evidence (if you can): Be an admin and try to ban

Description of the bug: Admins can not ban, the fact

How can we recreate it: Be an admin and ban someone

This is pivotal and important for admins to ban people, I heard this has been a thing for a year so hopefully this can be looked at


Edited by Bacta
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I was told this by another VA 😂 dont know what it hasnt been fixed yet

                               Current: Havoc ARC Overseer / Rancor MAJ  

                Ex: Alpha-22 Aven Sage Manager



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Veteran Admin

Yeah I remember during my admin training back in December I was told of this bug or glitch or whatever by my trainer

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This is a serious issue and I hate that this hasn’t been fixed for a “year” according to others. It really prevents admins from handling situations that are needed to be handled. So many minges/rule breakers get away with so much all because there isnt anyone online with the power to ban. And even when there is, a lot of the time they are doing something else like roleplaying, battalion participation, etc. Also there are more admins than Senior Admins, so if we got this fixed then rule breakers will always be dealt with and the server won’t have to be bothered by players that literally don’t care about rules.

Edited by Jafman
text error
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 Current: Admin, 41st Improcco Company XO REGL CPT Tenn, Navy ENS CAO


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I agree. When I heard of this happening I immediately wanted it fixed. This really can effect the server if admins can't ban, as said by Jafman, that minges can get away with trolling because there aren't admins with ban perms on the server. 

Current: 332nd ARCL Sterling, Captain of Navy.

Former: Hardcase, Kix, 501st MEDL, Chief Medical Officer, Aviation Manager,


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