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In-Game Arrest Form STEAM ID Edit

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Name: CG TKL LT Hound

RP Rank: CG LT, Padawan, Naval PO

Suggestion: CG have been trying to enforce the use of 64 ID's for arrests but with the template saying to use the 32 ID it's been difficult to try and get people to follow the millions of announcements we've put out saying to use 64.

Implementation: Change the text in the code from "Arrestee's Steam32 ID" to say "Arrestee's Steam64 ID".

Lore: N/A

Workshop content if applicable: Require Development

Formerly: Coruscant Guard Snow, Temple Guard Gatekeeper V


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  • Founder

I will just change this live. Expect it within the next day or so @KnightVR can you start a new sheet for the logs? We'll have to update every bot, can you make sure that happens, and let me know when to cutover on the new sheet? 

Edited by Xaze
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Systems Dev

This suggestion has been moved to DEVELOPMENT PHASE.
(Suggestions that are being coded, set-up & tested on the development server to see if they fit the server and are without major conflicts)

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