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[ACCEPTED] CWRP - Torrin/Fi - Staff Application


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Veteran Admin

Title of Thread:  CWRP - (Name) Staff Application

RP Name: 41st Improcco WO Fi - Torrin

Steam ID: 76561198213312519

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 26 

Timezone: CEST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Since joining the server I've had, what you could a gaming time of my life. Star wars, RP and the best thing of all a good and friendly community. I want to be an administrator to help contribute to the community and the server. I want to help both old members and new people who joins the server. I feel like I can help give a good first impression of the server. When you are enjoying yourself in a server and a community like this, you just cant stand not try to contribute and help it. That is the main reason. As I said I am in a different timezone than most players in this community. But we still see some people at the time I am on. That is why I want to be able to help, at the time I am playing, to help make sure there are admins online the whole day. But to sum it up. I just want to help where I can. I've been any different games where there are RP servers, like FIVEM, MTA etc. There I've gathered alot of experience, and where the is a good community is where I want to help as much as I can. Because good community= Good time for me. When getting resposiblities like an admin position, I always like to go all in. I am active, even during my off time. I am always willing to help wether it is ingame or in the DMs.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): So I am 26 year old danish guy from Denmark. I got a bachelor degree in law, which is my everyday full time job. Other than that, I am married and we have a 4 year old kid. When I am not working or spending time with my family, I go to the gym and spend all nights gaming (Yeah the wife is mad sometimes). Since joining Synergi, I have only been spending time in the server and actually stopped playing any other game. Generally speaking I am a kind person, and always looking to help and have fun. I managed to reach over 100 hours and I havent even reached a month being a member of this community. That explains how addicted I've gotten.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I do not have any experience at all in Gmod. Starting in this server was the first time I ever touched Gmod.

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 115:18:15.

Edited by bebzi

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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Head Admin

You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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  • Director

Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team!




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