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Investor moment


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Question: Who does one speak to about getting Investor and what exactly is Investor

Comments/Concerns: Asking because I meet the req for Investor in terms of money

Staff Member you're asking: Anyone who can give it and knows

Additional info: N/A


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Make a store support ticket on here, Either Maverick or a founder will give it to you in TS. 

If you're referring to the tag that gives bypass if you spend $1000 anyways.

  • Pay Respect 1

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1 minute ago, Maverick said:

I do not give investor tags unless specified otherwise by founders. I do not have access to store support. But yes please do make a store support ticket.

Can a mod close this question.

ah yeah i mentioned you bc i assumed in worst cases youd give it with Founders permission. @Naffenthis can be marked as answered

  • Optimistic 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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