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Name: Bud

Who helped (If applicable): Kaptain , Zen

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): nah

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Halo Dyploment in a nutshell goes as such. DU and the other battilons that joined on event server where transporated to the Halo Dimsion simlar to the morise story arc type deal. pretty much story wise for plot covent invaded a world and their was a brute leader who lead the whole operation. johnson and chief also played their parts in this lovely story. this was ambitous of me i had fun with you guys begaing not gonna lie was a struggle but overall i like how everyone worked togther on this. so thank yall for being good sports!

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: no

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance

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1/1/4 - I sat there doing nothing for 40 minutes and killed 50 droids and walked around, This was the worst event I have been apart of!

Current: Jedi Knight

Former: DU Captain x2 | Meena Tills | Mas Amedda

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2 | 2 | 3 

It was pretty boring to just run around the map for like 40 minutes while killing maybe 50- 60 droids, plus half the time the server was shitting itself at least on my end.

Made Cin Drallig a DU Jedi 

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if you had textures the performace was fine. Bud, it seemed like there was little prep for this and half the time we just ran around on tatooine. I had fun though so good job on that I guess.


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3/3/5 - Gonna be honest, not sure was happening 90% of the time, but I had fun with the marines.

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1/1/4 The best thing about the event was the fact that it ran smoothly, having everyone the same model makes reviving people a headache, along with the fact that it makes it harder to find specific people who need healing, along with that there was more running around and sitting around then there was shooting people


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2-Boring. Barely any sense of direction and half the time I was thinking "what the hell is going on?" Completing objectives felt boring.
3-There was thought put in that was executed awfully. Nothing felt planned out. Was walking around and heard someone say "Is he making this up on the fly?" and honestly, it would have made a lot of sense.

4.5-Perfect until we reached Kashyyk in which everything went somewhat laggy.

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1 | 1 | 4.     The pre-briefing was horrible the GM said we are Halo Marines and we are killing the covenant. We made it to ground and almost all of the map was empty and we had no clue where to go, so the main force split up. We clear the whole map just to find no droids they was only in the village which was called point Alpha which we had no idea that it was called that. The voice in the sky said move to point Alpha and we had no clue. Once the village was clear we moved out and the place we just cleared somehow had a large amount of enemies. We then moved to a jungle planet where was fighting more enemies and a dude runs from the building with a lightsaber. The whole event was mainly running around with nothing then moving to the place to find droids just pop up.


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Server Performance was meh, it was decent but deploying 40 people to a server w/o mentioning the need for CS textures broke my eyes and brain
I don't think there was any set up time whatsoever and once loaded in we waited in the main room for like 40 minutes while the GM's did their building Furthermore. I understand the want/need for everyone to be on the "Marine" job, however the way it was stated was very confusing and there were a lot of better options that could have been done, for example setting the models instead of setting the jobs. Setting the jobs forces everyone to have the same loadout, and unless you plan on giving us Medics and Support Troopers, it makes it really hard to heal people and repair vehicles. It wasn't until Tec mentioned that we were all on the same job and no one would have a Bacta Kit did the GM's realize that being the same job would be an issue, and to make matters worse I'm pretty sure you gave everyone the wrong Bacta Kit. Ok I'm done ranting, now for some constructive criticism that I think could have made the event more enjoyable for everyone.

-Gathering the GM's/GH Prior to the event ~30 minutes before to give you guys time to set up, even if that means pushing back the deployment time. 

- During your pre-briefing making sure you give clear directions, as "Every CT to a Marine Job" creates confusing as CT can refer to two things, either the Lore Clone Troopers (which we all are) or the CT Job which no one was one. As for your "Marine Job" I would expect you to use the GC ARC Job the least, as a member for 21st, I didn't think I had to change jobs.

-During the event we were teleported to a ship that was no collided and people got stuck within the ship, not a good way to start the PVP of the event, especially when everyone already waited for 40 minutes.

-The PVP was also mediocre, the whole "covenant" were just basic B1's with E5's and not a lot of HP whatsoever and not a lot of to add to that. There were roughly 40 people and I don't think there was more than 120 droids spawned throughout.

-Throughout the event you used the Intercom putting in information that no one understood, like "go to Point Alpha" which created confusion for everyone.

- Overall the event seemed like mini skirmishes that didn't connect to one another , we ran more than we shot, and it seemed as you were making it up on the spot and honestly doing a poor job at making something up.

TL;DR: The event had too much wait time, too much running compared to any action, instruction that made little to no sense, and overall was one of the worst deployments I've participated in. 

Disclaimer: No hate whatsoever to you Bud, I'm grateful that we got a deployment nonetheless and appreciate you taking time out of your day to host that for us.  

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i appericate the feedback this was i admit a expermient that i had wanted to try and learned it can be done but i need more prep time and given that its damm near impossible to get helpers worked with what i had

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First I wanna say thank you for the event I appreciate all events done for us no matter how they turn up but I cant lie either. I have the rest of the event recorded but I dont think I wanna cut and upload so many links to youtube.

The time progression in my eyes.
 deployed at 9 pm est
then we get a confusing speel about how ct can be GC ARC honestly it was very confusing I didn't know what was going on till randomly was set to a job.

then gm spent time doing his drop pod thing but instead of prepping before hand and checking it was put off till we where all in regimental lines.

spent alot of time talking with friends and stuff just waiting.

then bam witcher gate not even told to go through it we just hop on, no one told us we using drop pods till the announcement so we kinda just went through the gate and lined up again.
Saturday, ‎May ‎7, ‎2022, ‏‎8:49:29 PM  or 9:50 est was the time this clip was created it shows basically right after going through witcher gate so yes we where deployed and waited 40 mins then go to this ship and then wait 5-7 more minutes.

this happens

afterword not told to go to any specific place so 21st decides hey lets go explore the map and check these things out which we did not seeing anybody its like all the enemys are focused on the town nothing else. After playing running simulator we meet up with the big large group and bam oops we are going back to {Alpha point????} over the intercomm xaze comms in  town square avoiding the confusion in that aspect.  Then tick tick tick, the clock goes by and finally we are called to go NW if im not mistaken anyway direction didn't matter. 21st now goes to and sees all these droids in the area they just spent a good half to 3/4ths of the event {not counting Debriefing}  scouting and searching. droids where weak, too few, I didnt know the goal besides extermination.

if you wanna see how it was from a players perspective then I can upload the full video. {35+10 mins clip}


gameplay was a 2 1/2 wasnt terrible I think thats only cause I was talking to people the whole time got my mind off the event

care and effort was a 1 you did do stuff and it did turn around a bit but naw you didn't even apologize for this just said its was a rough start, it was way worse then that. Personally I finished working on my car took 3-4 hours and I can physical run my hand through my hair and dirt will fall out and my clothes and all this are filled with dust and dirt but I didn't change or shower cause this event and I didn't even get a apologize for this event? just my bad it was a rough start. Im not trying to be stuck up it just from my perspective it was kinda fucked.

performance was a 4 idk I think ping was at 100 to 150 for most definitely watch ping but don't be afraid to get some things spawned in to abuse it its the event server you have some leverage with ping.

last thing CS Source is pretty important to have to not get a headache playing this event if you made me wait 40 mins and then tell me after waiting 40 mins that oh hey you need this to not have purple everything then idk even know what I would do just yea no plz nooo

Edited by meowthemeower
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