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[ACCEPTED] CWRP - Hank's Staff Application


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CWRP - Hank's Staff Application

RP Name - 212th SUP SGT Hank

VIP - No 

Age - 18 

Timezone - NA l PST 

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  Over my time on another CWRP server I have gained a lot of experience with the different aspects of being part of a server and its different branches. After spending a few months on the server I have gotten time to see it operate on a daily basis. I really enjoy the vibe this server can have to it, and just the generally relaxed feeling I get while playing. That along with my experience I want to do what I can to help this server run, whether it be running events, trainings or just spawning in a vehicle for a battalion to have fun. I truly feel that with the experience I have gained with my time on the main server that I play, I can bring a different approach to events to the table and give players a fun experience. While I am only just above 75 hours for this server, I really do believe with the experience I have as a Gamemaster and member of a High Command on another server, I can help staff team in producing good events and keeping the server flow smoothly. [Disclaimer] : Please do not take me mentioning my positions as me trying to say that I'm gonna come in and change a bunch of stuff etc, I only brought them up so when I say I have experience I say exactly what kind of experience. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Just an 18 year old who enjoys playing CWRP and chilling out. My main goal right now is to become a GM and assist in keeping the server active and fun to play, helping to avoid long periods of down time etc. Currently in College taking a chemistry class that is kicking my ass, but I have enjoyed hopping on the server and just chilling with the players around the base.  

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Not on this server, however like stated above I have managing and GM experience etc. However that server GM and Staff are not mixed, so I do not have Staff experience per say.

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: While writing this no staff were active, but just above 75 hours, I'd estimate 77-80.

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Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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