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CWRP- Bota's Game Master App retake


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Name: Bota
are you currently GH: Yes
How long have you played?:  21stGM 1SG MED Bota has played for 1107:40:43.

Knowlegde on a scale from 1-10: 8/10

Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: yes
Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I have several ideas that I want to bring to life on server and help the dead hours be fun!!
Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team
?: More encounters espcially for late nights and midday
Link us to a document for a deployment (event server) that you will execute as a gamemaster:


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-1 As a gamemaster you will be able to host deployments and events. These take a good amount of preperation as opposed to an encounter.

Your document is a great introduction to your idea,but it does not show anything else, like the map you are going to use, which battalions are goong to be deployed and if there are going to be different phases during the event. This is lacking. 

You also do not show any of your past encounters/events that you hosted. I would like to see what you have already hosted to see if you are able to host big events.


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This application has almost no effort, and the document even less-so. Take more than 5 minute on the application and you'd have better results. You should also copy-paste the format, not just try to imitate it.

As for the document, use some of these as reference






Not all of these are mine, and some obviously took more effort, but these are all generally accepted as good documents



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Unfortunately, your application to become a Game Master has been DENIED.

You are allowed to reapply after 2 WEEKS from this date.



You're totally chill to reapply after the cooldown- but really take some time to look over those docs @Heartsent or even the template in the GM training document!

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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