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[ACCEPTED] CWRP - Kryptos Staff Application


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Title of Thread: 

CWRP - Kryptos Staff Application


RP Name: 

501st JT SGT Kryptos


Steam ID: 










Arizona time zone, Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the time zone difference may vary. For example As of March 14 2021, we are 3 hours apart from EST, originally we were 2 hours apart.


Tell us why you want to be an administrator: 

I think one of the main reasons why I want to be an administrator is because it would bring me one step further to becoming a gamemaster. I have always loved doing gamemaster stuff on other servers and I wanted to do that kind of stuff for this server ever since my early days in this server. Along with that I would like to become a staff to be able to build dupes for my battalion (the 501st). While it would take a little bit of time to be able to build stuff, it would be useful for the future so I could make training sims, etc. Lastly, I just like helping people. This position would allow me to do just that. Those are most if not all the reasons I want to become an administrator, pretty self explanatory and short and sweet. 


Tell us a little about yourself:

I am a soon to be high school graduate looking for something to do in his spare time. I have been a huge Star Wars fan since I was around 5 years old and I’ve started playing on Star Wars Garry’s Mod RP Servers since 2018. I am also a filmmaker, writer, gamer, technology enthusiast and game developer at heart. 


Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes please elaborate on what you have accomplished: 

I do in fact have previous staff experience. I was a gamemaster on an old server (I don't remember the name of it) in 2018. I hosted events on the server’s main map for some time until the server shut down. The only reason why I only hosted events on 1 map was because I was not allowed to switch maps without the owner’s permission, and he was barely on. After that I was an Event Planner on Patriarch Gaming’s SWRP server (which is the same thing as gamemaster). I held that position for quite some time, from being hired to the server shutting down once and for all I was an Event Planner for around 9 months. There were times in between where the server shut down and then came back up, and me leaving for some time, etc. I got up to the rank of Senior Event Planner until the server shut down once and for all. During my time I would host events that would always add something new to the fray. There was also a time where the server was originally going to shut down for good. In response a Patriarch Gaming member decided to make his own server. I was brought on to the Event Planner team and I was a Senior Event Planner as well. I was originally going to take over and become the Lead Event Planner but I ultimately stepped down from my position on the server. 


How Many hours of in game tune do you currently have on our Clone Wars Server?:

As of writing this my playtime on the server is more than 69 hours 4 minutes and 31 seconds (Was waived by Head Admin Thunder)

Edited by Kryptos
Minor adjustments such as added clarification and colors

Synergy's Kryptos


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Oh god the colours. A very good app like Conrad said. However I do know people look at the fact you’re just under the threshold for hours to apply for staff, minimum is 75 hours. Looking aside from that, you’ll gain them in the time this app is being looked at. 



Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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11 hours ago, Kurt said:

Oh god the colours. A very good app like Conrad said. However I do know people look at the fact you’re just under the threshold for hours to apply for staff, minimum is 75 hours. Looking aside from that, you’ll gain them in the time this app is being looked at. 



I actually did get waived for that. Let me quickly edit that in actually along with the colors. I apologize for the inconvenience in regards to the potential eye hurting colors, I'm not the greatest at these things

Edited by Kryptos

Synergy's Kryptos


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