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Everything posted by Giant

  1. 5/10 Solid time waster for me. Not much going on and it was a shoot em up but it was a satisfying one at that. Im not mad about it <3
  2. Depends on the time of day and amount of deployments
  3. Holy Hell my eyes Anyway +1 but Kurts not wrong
  4. +1 Enthusiastic, Charismatic, Knowledgeable, and overall just fun to hang out with. A well earned vote.
  5. A comment was made by a fellow GM earlier this week that I should put the art up my female comrade made and also post the videos on our youtube channel to the forums. Reason for the videos is because we upload more than just recruitment videos so. Thought i should send it, enjoy. Battalion Recruitment Poster Regiment Recruitment Poster And finally The channel I upload our nonsensical bullshitery to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdDdF-dcJR_jba_NwnBgmtw Enjoy. Thanks for looking at this post -Targe
  6. +1 Lowkey thought he was already getting promoted to Marshal
  7. I think a 5 Dollar vibro knife would be a nice thing to have instead of fists "And or as well as" It would also be pretty kickass for Bad Batch and oneone else that wants to use it.
  8. +1 - It seems to me like a quality of life thing to implement that's a pretty unique and solid idea
  9. +1 A true friend and when i first joined a welcoming face
  10. That is my mistake i missed that requirement, i guess i'll see y'all again in about 45 more hours <3
  11. RP Name: 21stGM Targe Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38453662 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 19 -Soon to be 20 9/28/2001 Timezone: CST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): To put it quite plain and simply, I find that if you genuinely enjoy and care about a server, the best thing for you to do is to pursue a route as either staff or as a game master. I want to be an administrator to start my journey of passion. Across many servers which will be explained below across 6,000 Hours I have administrated and gm'd for many a server. I want to continue that legacy on Synergy. I Want to be an administrator on synergy because i want to join the corps that provides entertainment and a reason to play the server. I want to become a GM. In order to do that I need to pursue server administration which is another love of mine and falls in with my IRL job. I love this server and want to help it in ways more than just uploading dumb videos or spending money and pulling friends to the server. I want to support synergy by being part of its lifeblood. To take my experiences in entertainment and parallel them to others so that they may enjoy themselves too. And maybe even from one good event or staff interaction the same passion can be instilled in them. TL;DR I want to be a GM and provide my experience and passion to help continually improve the server. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a guy that had too much time on his hands for too long. Starting in 2011 I bought Garrysmod and played it off and on for many years. Eventually I started to play it more aggressively as stress from school and work began to take a toll on my mental health. Through serious RP server and CWRP servers i found a comedic escape and a wonderful way to make friends and feel like I'm apart of something. I currently work a 40+ hour a week job at a fast food joint. I work as a floor manager and manage up to 13+ employees at a time for 10+ hours a day. One of my favorite jobs is counting money because i can sit on my ass, listen to John Williams, and slowly feel my soul disappear as I count to 5 65 times a day. When i get home the first thing I'm doing is checking the 21st discord and am loading into synergy. I really enjoy recording, editing, and making videos all of which i've been wonderfully able to do on synergy with the amazing friends I've met and made here. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes. -SantosRP [Later MazeRP] Admin. Santos RP was the original 2016 server that started the whitelisted City RP Trend. Which followed quickly into Arma3. My job was administrating the server as a classic Gmod admin. Whitelisting people, running technical support, and overall managing daily operations on the server. -BLN [Burst Link Network] Event master "GM" As you would see Game Masters on Synergy the job of a full EM was to perform events within the weekly period of 7 days. Because of the lack of EMs in my prime i did 4 events a day. This ended in 28 events a week and resulted in eventual burnout. After pressure from my manager i decided to leave the server for greener skies. That was about a year and a half ago and now im here and ready for a fresh experience. I was an Admin for a 1 1/2. And i was a gm for about 2 1/2 Years. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 86 hours
  12. First part was 3/10 run to place shoot droids and we're good. Then, things started to become unveiled. We were called to execute civilians order 12 got initiated and it ended with us fighting SOBDe So in summary 8/10
  13. 7/10 Overall a fun Encounter, a couple of slow moments but in general a solid source of entertainment
  14. 7/10 Nice and entertaining for the night, effective form of fun
  15. 9/10. Score might've been lower but the flaws that were existing in the event were more than likely because he made the event 30 minutes before. Will upload video at some point
  16. +1 I like your personality and I like the encounters you've hosted
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