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The Sunken Stone Episode 2! Mavelle


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6/10 - I enjoyed it even though after we saw the murder scene, I felt that the TC side was a bit lack luster that was my only complaint

FormerTorrent Company Commander Kano/Fives, WO Appo | FormerWO Mortar, Lieutenant Dash-29

Former: GCO WO Waxer

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I arrived late, so my comments will focus on gameplay and not story.

For gameplay, the max health setting, I get what you're going for, but its just so annoying to keep track of. My things to try next time. Let us have full stats, but make healing only able to be done with injectors. Give out like 50 at the start and let us only heal that way. That makes us have to manage resources, gives us a phsyical count of how much we have left, and gives us a tangible thing to look for when exploring.

I liked the low health, got ganked quite a few times by the windows not being solid which sucked, but not your fault.

Kinda shitty, but I don't think this type of low health, high damage event is designed for jedi. Our jedi was here for like 10 seconds but a jedi would make this instantly very very unbalancable without heavy restrictions. Perhaps things like can only use saber. 

For next time, make BB and TC be in the same TS channel, would have made the two sides not feel so distant and work together more, or just mute TS for both groups.

My one story comment; Felt like TC got a lot less RP then BB, IDK if that was just BB taking lead or if it was like hey BB is the big bad BB. Might have been different if TC had appo since the SGT was the lead for BB and took most RP interactions. 

Edited by Conrad


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Thank you all for the feedback!

That one lacked the magic that I like to try for in all of my events, and I am really sorry that it wasn't up to my standards.

That's my fault, it's lack of preparation and a good idea;


The story will continue, and it will get better!

@PiffI will send you and the rest the text on the tablet some time soon!


Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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