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Name: Coal

Who helped (If applicable): Johnson, Arty

Event/Encounter Name: Zombification Weapon

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Republic scientist came on base with a Trandoshan prisoner to show an experimental weapon they were paid to make. They used it on the Trando and he was basically turned into a zombie in which SOBDE finished him off. Then, the scientist set it to max and misfired, brutally infected a clone trooper, causing a whole crowd of zombies in the courtyard. After the zombies were eliminated, the clone trooper was sent to medbay while the scientist was sent to cave in which SOBDE activated the weapon on the scientist, causing another infection situation at caves which they took care of themselves. A Medical Republic official put in a transmission saying that they delivered a large machine which will cure him. The Medical troopers cured the clone trooper and they lit the medical bay on fire.KrMCdFv.png



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