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Jay's BCMD Doom Application


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Steam Name: 

RP Name: 
DU ARCL Commander Jay

RP Rank: 

Steam ID: 

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 
Doom's Unit



Doom's Unit Commander
I was elevated to Commander when Doom's Unit command needed another person to help out at the top echelon. As a Doom's Unit Commander I've done everything in my power to help assist my fellow Commander Squee, XO Willy, and Flip while he was BCMD, in managing and running the day to day things for DU. Being a DU Commander has given me a taste and understanding of what command in CWRP is supposed to be like.


Doom's Unit Junior Officer 
As a Senior NCO, I applied for Warrant Officer but was instead given a direct promotion to 2ndLt because the need for junior officers was visible. I spent a good amount of my time in DU as a junior officer, and my main focus was helping to develop the senior NCO corps. I would say I was successful in my mission, as we have many solid leaders as SNCOS today, thanks to not only my effort but the help of the other junior officers in DU. Since becoming a junior officer, I have been able to assist in one way or another each day since taking the promotion.


Doom's Unit ARCL and ARCO
I originally joined Doom's Unit as a heavy weapons specialist but my goal was always to go for the ARC branch. It was something I had been trying for since my first week on the server. I wanted to fight with the best and I felt I could get there, and eventually I did. Once I passed graduation, Flip gave me the chance to be his ARCO so I took it. During this time the DU ARC branch had become completely full of members. I served as Flips ARCO doing the expected duties of a branch officer until Flip applied for Doom and got it, which meant he could no longer be ARCL. I ended up applying, and getting the position shortly after, and have been holding it since. Since becoming ARCL, the DU ARC branch is the most active branch in DU percentage wise. DU ARC is also, once again full, with a waiting list to enter.

Other experience
I've been playing in various Arma milsims for almost 10 years now, from Arma 2: OA to Arma 3, ranging from casual to extremely serious. I've held billets from all levels ranging from rifleman up to battalion executive officer. I've been a fireteam leader, a squad leader, a platoon leader, and a company commander in between. In general, I have a lot of experience leading groups from small to large over my years playing.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I should become a Battalion Commander because I have the motivation for it, and because I want to leave Doom's Unit better than how I found it. I have proven that each day since becoming an officer in DU, I am committed to being active and able to assist where the help is needed, no matter how small the job. I am not interested in maintaining the status quo with DU, meaning that I would get the job of BCMD and keep things as is. I would make progressive changes only to better the battalion. I should become BCMD for Doom's Unit because I'm far from seeing the end of the road with these guys, and they need an honest leader who will listen to their grievances and help them when they are stuck. These guys need someone to represent them, and answer for them whenever a conflict might come up, and I believe I'm the right man. The Battalion Commander has to take responsibility for not only the success of a battalion, but also the failures. I believe with my experience I can lead Doom's Unit to more success than anything else.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Monday through Friday from 3PM 11PM.
Saturday and Sunday from 10AM to 11PM.
9AM-11PM every day.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
840 hours.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
To put it simply, I want Doom's Unit to be better off at the end of my term than how it is now. This might sound like an easy thing to say, but it my opinion, it doesn't always happen. 

Training - I would like to see more quality training. We are currently running a decent amount of training each week, but a lot of them are more for entertainment rather than learning things. I would propose a training model where we still have entertaining sims (PVP for example), but also run a higher number of informative and more elaborate training, similar to classroom instruction.

Recruitment & Activity - Activity has never been a big issue for DU. I'm okay with maintaining status quo here. We're really just here to have fun at the end of the day so I wouldn't require anyone to attend anything that they didn't want to go to. Recruitment can always be better, so I would try to make a policy that would incentivize junior officers and NCO's to recruit more, as we always need to keep people flowing into the battalion. Some ideas Besides the obvious benefits like having extra people to play with, we need to throw a bone to the recruiters whether it be x recruits give you TIG off, or a promotion, or even money. This is something I can't decide on alone though, as it need's to be discussed by the DU officer corps , and not just me.

General Leadership - I want all leaders (new leaders especially) in Doom's Unit to feel like they have improved to some extent during my time as BCMD should I get it. For me this means running leader specific training rather than regular sims. I want to strengthen the NCO and Officer corps in a way that it can be self sustaining, and I want our officers especially to be held more accountable for the effort they put in. This means checkups to ensure they are doing what they need to be doing, while those who put in the effort get rewarded. I'm going to produce the next generation of officers by vetting them as soon as they become NCO's. That means I will be watching them critically to see how they act and perform. I won't be fast-tracking anybody because I believe in a fair competition, but it's very important to get the people who are qualified into those officer positions. To summarize I would try to get the most qualified NCO's into the positions as soon as possible. To get good new officers, you need good NCO's who are able to step up, so developing the NCO corps more is also what I would focus on. I explained briefly that I want to run leadership training so I can pick out who would be a good fit for officer and help those who are still developing their skills. 

High Command - High Command will be filled by members who are the most active, capable, and mature. As it sits right now I would maintain the current HC of Willy and Squee and add members only when they are needed and when they prove they are capable for the job. When bringing in a new member for HC I would consult the current team and get their opinions. I would not make anybody HC without a majority favor vote of existing DU command.

Promotion Requirements - In my opinion, these need a bit of a rework. I would like to go through them more thoroughly because with the current system, people can shoot through ranks pretty quickly, for NCO's specifically. For officers, I would like to get with the commanders of DU and set up a system to where the promotion requirements would be treated as a minimum, and would need to go above and beyond in proving their leadership capabilities and maturity to be promoted. Our officers represent us and lead our troops in the field and therefore need to conduct themselves to a higher standard. Officers who don't conduct well simply won't get promoted, while Officers that do would rise to the top.

Havoc Squad - So Havoc Squad is doing alright right now. Cuzzo has been doing a good job reviving it since we've been lacking an active Brimstone for a little while. I am tempted to leave HS be for the mean time as he's doing a great job. If I were to get Doom, I would only be here to assist him, and not to step over him. I am okay with giving HS as much autonomy as they need providing that Brimstone keeps his guys in order. This means letting Cuzzo run training and tryouts when he thinks it is appropriate. Doom runs DU, Brimstone runs HS. As Doom, I would only exist to monitor and make sure he is doing his job.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Edited by Jayy
Edited to expand on ideas
  • Agree 1

Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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I haven't had any bad interactions with you. I hope you realize that you are in the for the long haul if you get accepted. Doom has been a position plagued by early resignations for too long. Try and stray away from DU's old habits of being mingy during events and having Havoc Squad be generally worse than most other sub-units of the same nature, and hopefully everything works out. +1

  • Optimistic 1


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I think it's good that you consulted the others, but I do feel bad that you had to consult them now, after you posted your app, and that you didn't discuss such points in this way before that.
Even though this is the case I still think that you might be able to be a decent BCMD, so you get a +1 from me. Just make sure that you are ready for the interview and that you have these things figured out.

Edited by Eagle
Answered my questions


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As the current REGL in DU, I'm still waiting on a doc that I started to ask on 4/29/2021, which is the ARC tryout doc. It is one of the thing that you said that you would do as an ARCL, but I have yet to see. Even Flip ask you but with no answer. If you don't want me to have it, atleast answer me, don't ignore me. But, enough with that, as an ARCL, your team is always full with competent members. I feel like Flip was one of the best Doom, he was unbiased all the way and was very active. Communication was never a problem as he never ignored me. I also received some question from some people all asking me how you got commander as they didn't see a lot of in-game work from you, I know that back-end work can also get you promoted, but you should try to do a little bit of front-end work too. With all that said, it's going to be a -1 from me. Quick question, did you applied because you feel you are ready or because you think the spot need to be filled ?

On another note, another term for Dennis BCMD ??

Edited by BlackPink
  1. Current: DU Sentry Knight Tiplar | Ex: Intel Deputy Director and Major in DU.


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Head Admin

I personally haven't known you for a long time as I've been back for about 10 days now so I don't know what you're capable off. I do have some questions before I give a vote tho. 

For the trainings- how do you want to implement these specific trainings and how will you keep them going?

Under recruitment & activity you talk about am incentive- what do you have in mind and how could you make that work for a longer time?

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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5 minutes ago, Rohan said:

I personally haven't known you for a long time as I've been back for about 10 days now so I don't know what you're capable off. I do have some questions before I give a vote tho. 

For the trainings- how do you want to implement these specific trainings and how will you keep them going?

Under recruitment & activity you talk about am incentive- what do you have in mind and how could you make that work for a longer time?

For the trainings I'd implement it by having officers run "better" trainings, basically being the trainings with more integrity. To keep this going, I'd make it a promotion requirement. If an officer wants to run a training, they'd need to give a lecture and explain what the purpose of the training is,  and then demonstrate the concept before teaching. I basically want to implement some classroom time as opposed to just jumping into a sim and shooting things which is the default training style right now, with some exceptions. 

For recruiting incentive we already have a good recruiter of the week system in place, which grants you a promotion. I was thinking to expand on it by having it so anybody over x amount of recruits is eligible for early or instant promotion depending on which rank they are. It's something I would need to discuss with the others though obviously. 

Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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Jay i like you. But I'm kinda neutral. You are a commander inside DU but its hard to see what your potential is as a CMD seeing how you never show it. If you could show that your ready for BCMD then it could sway my +1,-1. 

Your my friend Jay, but for now neutral.

Edited by Cuzzo
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When i promoted you to CMD, it was because you were doing incredible work. I do feel like after you got commander, your work inside of DU has declined a lot. The reason why i resigned early was i knew i wouldnt be active during the hours DU is most active. DU deserves a BCMD that can give them the attention and care that the battalion needs. DU does very well with a BCMD who puts in the work and is well liked. Im going to give this a -1 for now unless you tell me  how being doom will increase the work you do inside of DU. This is nothing against you. I personally like you. But im always looking out for the future of DU

  • Informative 3
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Before i leave my vote, I have a couple questions to you:

1) For what qualities are you gonna be looking while filling out High Command slots?

2) How are you planning to improve recruitment within your battalion?

3) How are you going to ensure your regiments are going to be running on their own, with right people in the leadership positions?

4) A double promotion for "going over x amount of recruits is eligible for an insta promotion" as you have mentioned in one of your responses. In my opinion it will make people able to jump through ranks quickly and leave you with a higher amount of SNCOs and Officers than Enlisted and NCOs. How will this benefit your battalion?

5) You never mentioned anything about the sub-unit of your battalion in your application. What are your plans when it comes to Havoc Squad?

6) Based on Blackpink's response there have been issues with Communications. How are you going to ensure a good communication with your officer corp as well as your battalion as a whole.

7) What are your plans when it comes to other specialized battalions?

I will vote with a +1 or -1 based off your response. 

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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On 5/8/2021 at 8:08 PM, BlackPink said:

As the current REGL in DU, I'm still waiting on a doc that I started to ask on 4/29/2021, which is the ARC tryout doc. 

On 5/8/2021 at 10:11 PM, Flip said:

When i promoted you to CMD, it was because you were doing incredible work. I do feel like after you got commander, your work inside of DU has declined a lot. 

I want to apologize to both of you because I should have logged an ROA at the very least. DU has been my second priority the past two weeks while I finished the semester, which ended on the 5th. I mentioned only briefly that I had school work, but I should have been way more clear with everyone.


On 5/8/2021 at 10:11 PM, Flip said:

Im going to give this a -1 for now unless you tell me  how being doom will increase the work you do inside of DU. 

As Doom, I would be doing everything I'm doing now as a Commander but also:

  • Overseeing all of the regiments + Havoc Squad, and make sure they are properly manned and led. 
  • Working with the branch leaders and Brimstone to ensure that membership is active, happy and motivated.
  • Working with other BCMD's and the RCMD to coordinate our battalions on deployment, and being the point of communication for DU in general.
  • Frequently check up with Tiplee and Tiplar to make sure DU Jedi are doing well.
On 5/8/2021 at 11:22 PM, Black said:

1) For what qualities are you gonna be looking while filling out High Command slots?

2) How are you planning to improve recruitment within your battalion?

3) How are you going to ensure your regiments are going to be running on their own, with right people in the leadership positions?

4) A double promotion for "going over x amount of recruits is eligible for an insta promotion" as you have mentioned in one of your responses. In my opinion it will make people able to jump through ranks quickly and leave you with a higher amount of SNCOs and Officers than Enlisted and NCOs. How will this benefit your battalion?

5) You never mentioned anything about the sub-unit of your battalion in your application. What are your plans when it comes to Havoc Squad?

6) Based on Blackpink's response there have been issues with Communications. How are you going to ensure a good communication with your officer corp as well as your battalion as a whole.

7) What are your plans when it comes to other specialized battalions?

1) Mature, capable, active. Our commanders need to be mature, first and foremost. They represent Doom's unit at the most senior level and can't be seen minging. They also need to know how to handle situations with grace, and should generally know right from wrong in every scenario. The commanders also need to be capable, they need to know what their job is and they need to know how to do it. Lastly, but equally important, is activity. Commanders are no help if they are inactive so having HC present for events, deployments, and everything in between is what is needed.

2) As I mentioned above I would like to incentivize recruiting, by giving benefits like potential TIG off to our best recruiters, although I'd have to run it more by the officer corps.

3) The people chosen for those positions is not ultimately up to the BCMD I believe, they are voted on by the public and confirmed by the officer corps. So while I would not be responsible for giving those people the positions, I would be responsible for making sure they do their job after they get it.

4) Yes, I'd have to iron out a lot of details with the officers but it would benefit the battalion by allowing us to get more recruits, because there is a greater desire to recruit. Meanwhile it would reward those who are actively recruiting. 

5) Brimstone (Cuzzo) has near full autonomy when it comes to Havoc Squad in my opinion. As long as Cuzzo is doing his job and keeping HS elite, active, disciplined and consistently running tryouts for open positions, I don't mind what he does. Doom should not get in Brimstones way when it comes to HS. 

6) Yes, I had to step away (unofficial ROA) for a bit and didn't communicate that well. I am fully active in the DU discord and on TS. I sometimes have issues responding to DM's on discord in a timely manner, or they get lost because I get a lot of them. I am most accessible in TS or DU discord channels. I will ensure good communication by making all my thoughts public in the DU channels, and encouraging anyone to talk to me if they have anything to talk about. I have a completely open door policy, and Doom's office will always be open unless there's something serious that's being discussed or an officer meeting.

7) My plans when it comes to other Spec battalions is to work with them as much as possible. DU and CG already have a great working relationship, so I'd like to expand that to 21st as well. Running more joint training and encouraging DU to passive RP with them more often would be a great way to build bonds. 

Edited by Jayy

Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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3 hours ago, Jayy said:

No, I said people who did well at recruiting could potentially get an early promotion or TIG off. I never said anything about double promoting somebody the same day. And also, I brought it up as an idea to be tossed around by the DU officers. Nothing is set in stone. Just because I want to reward better for recruitment does not mean I am not addressing the fast promotion issue that I mentioned. I encouraged in commander chat that we should increase TIG requirements for many of our SNCO ranks. If it takes longer to get promoted, people will find ways to speed up the process (like recruiting a lot and getting TIG off benefits). This is my solution to recruiting.

Have you ever thought about promoting being a active TR within the battalion? I know that Flip, coal and yeaster have been doing TR work in the last weeks. This could also help with the recruitment problem that we currently have. I know from the past that it can be really hard, especially for a smaller battalion to get recruits and that this helps them with getting some extra recruits, just because you have had direct contact with them and showed good qualities. I don't see this being promoted currently and I would like to know what you think of this.

Also the most recruits (from what I've seen) get recruited around 10 pm EST (4 am CEST). This is a time at which I just cannot recruit since I am from the EU. If you are going to make it harder to get promoted without getting a recruitment, then you will probably making it even harder for a specific group within the battalion.
I am not sure if making the recuirements for NCO harder is a good thing to do. They are currently harder than what I've seen from battalions like 212th and I am even struggling with getting them all within my cooldown time. If you think that some NCO's go up the ranks to quick, then you could just make the needed TIG higher right?


Edited by Eagle
  • Informative 2


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After reading your response, plans and statement from members of the DU and Former Doom's, I think that your mentality is in the right place, however your plan to run the battalion isn't something that Doom's Unit currently need. On one hand you want to slow down NCO promos cause people can shoot through them quickly, but your offering a double promotion? That's not going to help your battalion. 

With that being said so, it will be -1 from me.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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On 5/9/2021 at 5:17 AM, Eagle said:

Also the most recruits (from what I've seen) get recruited around 10 pm EST (4 am CEST). This is a time at which I just cannot recruit since I am from the EU. If you are going to make it harder to get promoted without getting a recruitment. If you think that some NCO's go up the ranks to quick, then you could just make the needed TIG higher right?

I trimmed down your message so the parts that I am replying to are easier to see. I want to make the TIG requirements for NCO's higher regardless of the recruitment changes that I want to do. You bring up a good point being in EU, one that I didn't factor in. I will leave an update about this soon.


On 5/9/2021 at 6:07 AM, Black said:

On one hand you want to slow down NCO promos cause people can shoot through them quickly, but your offering a double promotion? That's not going to help your battalion. 

I said nothing about a double promotion in my posts. I talked about TIG off and a potential early promotion for doing great work.

Edited by Jayy

Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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As a former Commander in DU, after reading what has been said by your former Doom and current Senior Enlisted I am going to have to -1. Just do not feel you have enough credibility yet so with that being said maybe grow a bit more on the server and then apply. Also I don't mean that in a rude way just you need to be around longer for you to gain trust and the credibility to be a BCMD.

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On 5/9/2021 at 5:17 AM, Eagle said:

Also the most recruits (from what I've seen) get recruited around 10 pm EST (4 am CEST). This is a time at which I just cannot recruit since I am from the EU. If you are going to make it harder to get promoted without getting a recruitment, then you will probably making it even harder for a specific group within the battalion.
I am not sure if making the recuirements for NCO harder is a good thing to do. They are currently harder than what I've seen from battalions like 212th and I am even struggling with getting them all within my cooldown time. If you think that some NCO's go up the ranks to quick, then you could just make the needed TIG higher right?

Alright Eagle, so the officers voted the other night and were in complete agreement to increase the TIG requirement for most NCO ranks. We, or me personally, are not interested in adding additional requirements on top of that. I'd still like to incentivize recruiting more, like giving a day off of TIG for every recruit you get for example. I don''t think this is a radical idea and I think it will actually benefit the battalion a ton when people see that recruiting has benefits to the promotion process now and isn't just a plain requirement.

The point you raise about being EU is valid, but by the same logic the system is already against you as an EU player. It's harder to be event lead or recruit in general because you are on the less active time zone. That's something I cannot promise to fix because I don't think there is a fix for it without being extremely bias towards our EU players.

Edit: Also updated the original app and expanded a bit on some ideas if anyone wants to give it a read.

Edited by Jayy

Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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15 minutes ago, Jayy said:

Alright Eagle, so the officers voted the other night and were in complete agreement to increase the TIG requirement for most NCO ranks. We, or me personally, are not interested in adding additional requirements on top of that. I'd still like to incentivize recruiting more, like giving a day off of TIG for every recruit you get for example. I don''t think this is a radical idea and I think it will actually benefit the battalion a ton when people see that recruiting has benefits to the promotion process now and isn't just a plain requirement.

The point you raise about being EU is valid, but by the same logic the system is already against you as an EU player. It's harder to be event lead or recruit in general because you are on the less active time zone. That's something I cannot promise to fix because I don't think there is a fix for it without being extremely bias towards our EU players.

I understand that you want to encourage recruitments and I agree with how you handle it now, but I still think that encouraging CC trainings can help too with getting new members into the battalion


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3 minutes ago, Eagle said:

I understand that you want to encourage recruitments and I agree with how you handle it now, but I still think that encouraging CC trainings can help too with getting new members into the battalion

I wouldn't be opposed to giving a benefit to active TR's, since we can openly see who's doing TR work. I'd be okay with giving a similar reward of TIG off for active TR's, but it wouldn't be as good as recruiting into DU. The reason is that recruiting into DU is specifically a problem for us while TR training sorta falls under the purview of the TRD and mangers. To answer your question, I'm not opposed to it.

Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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I really think that you are fit for this position, I know that you work hard and get along with the people. You have hosted really good trainings and I have actually learned stuff from those trainings, it isn't the normal stuff, they are more about tactics and I like that.


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On 5/8/2021 at 8:49 PM, Cuzzo said:

Jay i like you. But I'm kinda neutral. You are a commander inside DU but its hard to see what your potential is as a CMD seeing how you never show it. If you could show that your ready for BCMD then it could sway my +1,-1. 

Your my friend Jay, but for now neutral.

Due to community forum rules, you cannot be neutral on a post. Either a +1/-1

+1 , Ive seen jay around and I like the guy. Seems like he knows what he is doing and the application is well detailed.

Current: Homosexual
Former: TGM , DU CSM , 91st CSM , Jedi Shadow , 21stKU , First 332nd Sterling , GMO , Senior Admin , Barriss Offee

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+1 you my man. I like you (no homo). You will do great stuff as doom i just know that. You will be able to get it.

Current: 332ndO ARCL LT Sterling, Mrs. Jackson, Jedi Knight Silvya
Former: HS/DU and Knight Tiplar, SA x3, GM/GH and Alpha-22 2ndLT MEDL Aven, Master over Stockings in Boxing fights

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+1 after spending a bit more time in the battalion I believe your the man to run it with a fresh set of eyes and ideas 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


  • Confused 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!




I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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