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Bacta- Kill that Ship!


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There was a lot of effort but the general grip on the event, I don't know, I think it seemed as though you didn't enjoy it very much. That's big as a GM, always make sure that you're only running events that you'll have fun with.

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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7/10 Awesome idea and quality effort put in. However, it seemed like you were rushing to get it set up after the original people didn't show up. The ending was very weird and the CIS guy with the /me escapes into the Republic vehicle was very weird. The commando droid tried a little too hard and lots of low HP new guys struggled against him. Also your briefings have a good bit of work to do. The past 2 deployments the briefings have felt very rushed and there is information overload. They've been given to us while everyone is still loading, are entirely in TS, and 15 minutes before the event starts while many people are AFK. Please try to do your briefings in character and in game, it adds a lot. Also go over event rules and make sure no one has any questions before you begin. Overall, a good event but there's room for improvement. Make sure you have a good plan and enough time to do the event before you begin too.


Jedi Youngling

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Some things:
- Timing, I feel like you need to tell us a set time for the deployment and warn people and give us time to talk and ask questions, the start and intro was very rushed and not a lot of people grasped the idea to begin with, and we weren't able to plan how we would go about the event. 
- The EJ's at times seemed a little to powerful for a one-life, we did have MED revives, however sometimes our lower ranked people with not all skill points were getting 1-2 shotted and it could've been a bit tedious for them.

- Nice idea and I loved the payload transport, I think its really innovative and it worked well.
- RP was nice, and the pacing was good.

Don't be disheartened, ik you didn't like it but it was entertaining and people did enjoy it. 

Discord: Mason#2710

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7/10. The RP, idea, and pacing all felt good like mentioned above. The payloads were fun, and everything up to the end with the EJ was also very fun. Like mentioned above, the entire RP with the CIS Admiral was confusing and chaotic. While lots of the confusion was entirely our fault, the situation was still strange.

GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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