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Farewell all - Luci

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Hello everyone, unfortunately due to some issues with my game I can't start it no matter what, and I have a possible job position, and I have an amazing girl in my life now, I am going to have to leave behind this amazing server. I have to start off by saying this is one of, if not the best GMOD CWRP server I have ever played, it is a really supportive and amazing community, I love you all so much, you have all had an amazing impact on my life and I have enjoyed every second I have spent with you guys. Here are some people that have been some off the best friends to me.

Deku, You are an absolutely amazing Battalion commander and a good friend, you always look out for the people around you and you are very committed to your job as the Battalion Commander, you are an amazing staff member and GM, keep up the good work man.

Brick and Hades, you guys together are 2 very funny guys, full off jokes and excellent guys, you always made me smile and laugh, keep up and hope you guys have a good time.

Longshot/Pog,  you have been an exceptional commanding officer to me in the 212th and you are absolutely amazing guy, I hope you carry on and make it far man, you deserve a promotion.

Xander, my Man, you are a great guy, also quite funny and I honestly hope you make it far man.

Odric, You were my best friend from CG, you always followed the rules and made me laugh, Im gonna miss you man.

I'm going to miss every single person on this server you alaways made me laugh and have fun, good bye everyone.


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