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Name: Stormzy

Who helped (If applicable): Marvel, Deku, Tino, Goten

Event Name: Tiny

Summary: Anakin and Obiwan were sent on a mission to Geonosis by the council to apprehend Grevious but while doing so, it led to them falling for a trap that made them small and tiny. The troops had hostiles to deal with but also needed to find a way to turn them back to their normal size


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Was a very fun event. Obviously, it would have been PERFECT if I wasn't on 300 ping for 45 minutes straight, but thus is the way of Synergy at the moment. 

The battle itself was fairly well designed- there were maybe a little more droids than necessary, but it got very cool once we got to the outpost.

Once the Grevious chase began, it got a littttttle bit dragged out just because of the fact that.. none of us could've caught him, so it ended up just being an extra 20 minutes.




All in all, thank you for the very fun event. RPing with Kenobi was awesome. And Shoutout Pilot Gang.

Was I a good Ahsoka Tano? Call 1-800-HOWSMYRP!


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