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[ACCEPTED] CWRP - Juls Staff Application


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RP Name: Gett | Juls

Steam ID: STEAM_0:429220115

VIP (Y/N): N

Age: 17

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to join administration because I'd like to do the most I can and to push myself, I would like to be able to do more for the community, and help with events and even host my own. Another thing I've noticed, is that there are times when not a lot of people are active, which leaves to those who are on with nothing to do, I would like to be able to change that and hopefully bring more activity from others. I have recently been promoted to WO and want to be able to help the other administration in my battalion along with others from different battalions. Also, I believe it would be a great avenue to gain experience in, I have seen the type of things admins do and It is really intriguing to me. I always like to think of what could be enjoyed by the people, not only from my battalion but from the entire community. Another thing is, I have thought a lot on different type of events for everyone, no matter weather they are a trooper, Jedi, freelancer, or bounty hunter. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 17 year senior with a lot of time on hand, I do my best to be active and to help where I can. Synergy is the first server I've really taken a keen interest in, I never have been this infested and willing to put in so much hours for, until now that is. I don't have the most favorable circumstances at this current moment, so at any given day my activity may not be as high or depending on what happens, I may not be active for a while, but despite that I make sure to remain as active as possible.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I don't have any, this would be my first time being part of staff.

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33 minutes ago, CjrGaming19 said:

RP Name: Gett | Juls

Steam ID: STEAM_0:429220115

VIP (Y/N): N

Age: 17

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to join administration because I'd like to do the most I can and to push myself, I would like to be able to do more for the community, and help with events and even host my own. Another thing I've noticed, is that there are times when not a lot of people are active, which leaves to those who are on with nothing to do, I would like to be able to change that and hopefully bring more activity from others. I have recently been promoted to WO and want to be able to help the other administration in my battalion along with others from different battalions. Also, I believe it would be a great avenue to gain experience in, I have seen the type of things admins do and It is really intriguing to me. I always like to think of what could be enjoyed by the people, not only from my battalion but from the entire community. Another thing is, I have thought a lot on different type of events for everyone, no matter weather they are a trooper, Jedi, freelancer, or bounty hunter. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 17 year senior with a lot of time on hand, I do my best to be active and to help where I can. Synergy is the first server I've really taken a keen interest in, I never have been this infested and willing to put in so much hours for, until now that is. I don't have the most favorable circumstances at this current moment, so at any given day my activity may not be as high or depending on what happens, I may not be active for a while, but despite that I make sure to remain as active as possible.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I don't have any, this would be my first time being part of staff.

Could you drop your total playtime in here?


Otherwise, app is solid, you seem like you'd be good for the team. +1

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  • Director

application is very nice and solid you kept it firm and im sure you will do great as you are super nice.



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