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Nick's Gamemaster Application


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Name: Nick

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:142905732

Current Staff Rank: Admin (Done more then 5 encounters / Helps)

Are you Currently a GH?: Yes

How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: Nick has played for 608:08:28.

From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8-10

Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes I do

Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I wish to join the Gamemaster team due to my love of creating interesting events and the creativity that I believe I have. I believe that the server can always use more active Gamemasters to create events when nothing is happening and to have well planned out deployments. When new people join I'd assume they wish to see stuff happening on the server which I wish to help create and make there time on the server however long enjoyable.

Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team?: I am currently only a GH but I know people don't host encounters because they do not wish to make and post a AAR which does only take like 2 minutes but people don't like making them so it makes less encounters.


Link us to a document for an event that you will execute as a gamemaster: 


Edited by Nick
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Gonna +1 this even tho i can't see the doc. The previous interactions i have with you as far as GM make me think you'll be fine. But if i read your doc and its a yikes i'll change it. I'll check back in a little bit.


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Congratulations! You have been accepted for interview!

Contact a GMO+ by 08/28/2020 to conduct your interview!

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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