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[ACCEPTED] Korm's Re-app for staff


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Even tho I was told I could remain Perma SA as long as I didn't leave Synergy, clearly I didn't. I am re applying to get it over with faster so i can continue to help. I'm gonna do this in the time being and hopefully during this thing I can get a reply from a founder confirming my claim for perma SA.

RP Name: MoH CG ARC Second Lieutenant Korm

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18305751

VIP (Y/N): yes

Age: 31

Timezone: -8 gmt

What was your previous staff rank?: HA/Overseer/VA/SA

Are you currently staff on a different server?: I was running the ARK server. But no. Not currently.

Why did you leave the staff team?: Originally left cuz Cali wildfires. Then i got burnt, and I never technically left. I've always been here and supporting the staff/server. I just take breaks on occasion so I don't get fully burnt out. Everyone gets burnt out. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. However I'm back for the next at least 4-6 months so let's get back in and make Synergy a great place to log on and have fun again.

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): Because, As I just stated. I'm wanting to help Synergy. I've made tons of friends here. From Square and the founders, Forseen and management, both Directors and most of the staff, and they know I'm always willing to help. I offered my assistance in ARK and ran that until it was shut down which clearly shows I'm willing to help out everywhere I'm needed. I just wanna do the stuff i love to do on carpet. Build dupes, spawn stuff and continue to make fun stuff for the server. I'm literally rejoining to help out again.

How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): Fine and dandy. No one had any real complaints, maybe I didn't do enough events but with things going on in real life it was too hard to focus on everything. Again. I'm just applying cuz I want to help where I can. No one seems to have had a major issue last time I was officially on staff. It'll be better this time 

Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: I do 

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