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A Centurion is needed at the front!

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80838153

RP Name: Battalion Commander Fox

Battalion: Coruscant Guard

Who is in command until you return?: Executive Officer Stone | KnightVR

Length of Absence: 06/07/2020 - 06/16/2020

Reason: Need a fucking break. Don't wanna get burnt out and I kinda need to get some shit sorted out. Everything that I've been worried about is taken care of and CG should run smoothly until I return. I'll still be accessible through Discord if I am needed, however please use that as a last resort. My legionaries call me, they need a Centurion at the front. Stay Incredibilies! 

-BCMD Fox | Centurion

Edited by Centurion

Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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Head Admin

I see it is a signature gif you have there, now please give me CG TS PW

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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