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Brigadier General Varen Harkor- Part(1)

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This is a new series of stories I am starting to help add insight to a new lore character I am making for events. The backstory is not always easy to display in events, and display to everyone on the server so this will serve as a sort of backstory for him. 

Hopefully you guys enjoy, I like writing small narratives like this ( I made an order 66 one which was a lot of fun). To be clear, this IS NOT REQUIRED to understand events, it is here to add insight into the character if you want to understand his motivations better.

Google doc version for those interested: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qFV4TFbGhLhiETwX4MFYiejvT_LS_Ugue6ktQDqxZtk/edit?usp=sharing

If you enjoy let me know and I could make a series out of this, to help enhance events. 

Suggested music to listen to while reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNO3aNksUzg


Topic: Circumstances leading to enlistment

Date:, Month 1, 21 BBY

Hard to know where to begin with this one, Varen’s enlistment was not motivated by a sense of pride, or patriotism. Rather, I speculate it was motivated by something deeper. Allow me to go back to the catalyst of this unlikely partnership.

The week I met Varen, I received a call  from the Supreme Chancellor's office saying I was to be recalled to Coruscant for an interview with a very promising enlistee who was a prospect to lead a portion of my fleet. We very rarely received human enlistments, particularly for such a high position. Varen arrived at my flagship “The Loyalty” escorted by an aide from the Chancellor's office. The aide informed me that the Chancellor had wanted me to strongly consider Varen’s candidacy for the position and promptly left. 


Varen, and I walked to my office at the bridge of my flagship where we were to conduct the interview, along the way he rarely spoke and only answered, never asked. Upon arrival at my office I commenced by asking “Why do you wish to join the grand army?”. “To end the seperatist threat” Varen replied. “Tell me a bit of your background and qualifications then” I asked. Varen elaborated on his past, he said that he was a Fleet Director for TransGalMeg Industries. He worked there for a long time, before the outbreak of the clone wars. Varen then looked at me and asked “Do you have any children?” “No, I never had the time, or motivation” I replied. He looked disappointed as if I had extinguished a desire of his. “I did,'' he said. I inquired as to what he meant by “did”.

Varen opened up and explained how his son was a prideful, yet loyal man. In his early 20s he enlisted as a guard for TransGalMeg industries who had an increasing presence in the outer rim due to the abundance of resources. Due to tensions with the inhabitants of planet Narg where they stockpiled their goods, his son was sent there to deter any vandalism and restore order. 

The post was relatively simple besides the protests that occurred somewhat regularly. Shortly after the 1st battle of geonosis the seperatist uprisings started across the outer rim where separatists started destroying, looting, and burning all republic supported institutions that they viewed as exploiters of their planet. At this point Varen started shaking slightly and he told me how there was a protest but this wasn’t a regular protest… This was a riot. His son was captured, tortured and then killed. They broadcast this for all of the TranGalMeg industries employees to see. “I was his father, but I couldn’t save him … I couldn’t protect him… I won’t let that happen again” Varen said.

From his time as a Fleet Director his qualifications were quite clear and from this story I saw an opportunity for mutual partnership, and most importantly Varen struck me as someone I would be able to depend on if he proved himself. I offered Varen the position, and promised him everything said in this interview would remain confidential and that we would avenge his son. 


Before leaving my office to get acquainted with his new ship and crew he turned and said “I won’t let you, or the republic down sir, I’ll never fail again.” So started this partnership and I think I can say now friendship between us two…

- General Ven, General of the 66th Fleet


Edited by Daytona211
  • Winner 5

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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Very epic

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Head Admin

Wow. This is pretty cool 😎 

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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This kind of stuff is what drew me towards SWRP way back in the day, sadly this kind of depth to events and their characters are all but gone from day to day life on not only the server but the game mode as a whole. Those were simpler times, thank you for putting in the effort and thought into this kind of thing.

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