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5/29/2020 Bugs Found by 21st

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Sorry for the large list and some having multiple issues tagged together, these are all the issues we could find.


Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqecf5

Description of the bug: KU Support trooper when swapped to causes an invisible LUA error and shares the same load out as Aerial Trooper to some degree. https://prnt.sc/sqehm4  Also is missing the bacta kit and shouldn't have the DC15X, original specs for job can be found Here. Whitelist is also missing "/buyarmor"

How can we recreate it: Swapping to the whitelist shown in screen shot in f4.


Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqedld

Description of the bug: Stealth Pilot (So Pilot) Has a white 104th pilot skin that needs removed and need a general SO skin added as a body group model.

How can we recreate it: Press f4 and check it out.


Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can):  https://prnt.sc/sqf1mc (Shows the skins side by side) https://prnt.sc/sqf1sl(Shows where its missing)

Description of the bug: Missing secondary model skin for SO pilot, also might be missing body grouper options as helmet can be taken off but is not in the options. SO Pilot is also missing it's cloaking swep. ("models/player/cblake/synergy/spec_ops/sharpshooter/sharpshooter.mdl")

How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.


Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can):  https://prnt.sc/sqf3pv

Description of the bug: Model error for the medic skin itself, might be a simple typo on line. ("models/player/gideon/galacticmarine/medic/gm_medic.mdl")

How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.


Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can):  https://prnt.sc/sqf4ej

Description of the bug: SO Commander needs to be two Slots. (Commander Blackout, Commander Jet)

How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.


Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can):  https://prnt.sc/sqf6ue

Description of the bug: 21st Nova Corps salary needs to be decreased to 300c instead of 350c.

How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.

Edited by Mav
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This is NEEDED! +1


Former 327th Former DU Officer x2 Former 501st TC Last ATKO Former Blackout and Shortest JetFormer 41st GCD Cooker Former CIS Droideka Former 104th Wolpack Lead Warthog 212th GC Jedi Knight Siri Tachi 

"Certified Clover Crew Member"-Lucky IKEA Squad 2019-Omalic

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Forum Admin

You don't +1 bug reports

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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GM Leadership

Void Retested myself

Edited by Crimson



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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GM Leadership

@Bbstine No but I can guess whats wrong



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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On 5/29/2020 at 8:54 PM, Mav said:

Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqecf5

Description of the bug: KU Support trooper when swapped to causes an invisible LUA error and shares the same load out as Aerial Trooper to some degree. https://prnt.sc/sqehm4  Also is missing the bacta kit and shouldn't have the DC15X, original specs for job can be found Here. Whitelist is also missing "/buyarmor"

How can we recreate it: Swapping to the whitelist shown in screen shot in f4.


On 5/29/2020 at 8:54 PM, Mav said:

Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can):  https://prnt.sc/sqf1mc (Shows the skins side by side) https://prnt.sc/sqf1sl(Shows where its missing)

Description of the bug: Missing secondary model skin for SO pilot, also might be missing body grouper options as helmet can be taken off but is not in the options. SO Pilot is also missing it's cloaking swep. ("models/player/cblake/synergy/spec_ops/sharpshooter/sharpshooter.mdl")

How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.

If the bug above this message is an error on the part of the developmental team it'll be fixed. However if they declare that an item listed above was not part of the original plan you'll have to put a server suggestion in. 

On 5/29/2020 at 8:54 PM, Mav said:

Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can):  https://prnt.sc/sqf3pv

Description of the bug: Model error for the medic skin itself, might be a simple typo on line. ("models/player/gideon/galacticmarine/medic/gm_medic.mdl")

How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.

I'll bump these and pass them along to the correct channels.


Not Actually Bugs Located Below

 However the "bugs" located below this message need to be server suggestions no matter how silly.

On 5/29/2020 at 8:54 PM, Mav said:

Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can):  https://prnt.sc/sqf4ej

Description of the bug: SO Commander needs to be two Slots. (Commander Blackout, Commander Jet)

How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.


On 5/29/2020 at 8:54 PM, Mav said:

Bug Type (Server:): CW

Severity level (1-3): 1(.5)

Evidence (if you can):  https://prnt.sc/sqf6ue

Description of the bug: 21st Nova Corps salary needs to be decreased to 300c instead of 350c.

How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.



//Moved to Acknowledged Reports.



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