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Sound's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 501st PLT SSG Ripper

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:165131016

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 14 

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):
          I wish to become staff for many reasons, one of which is the fact that I wish to be a GH or a GM. The reason i want to be a GH/GM is because first, I was to help with other people's events, second, I wish to make my own events, third I think that making events is fun. When you make an event, you are writing a story for others to discover, you can make an ending, or let them find their own, in my mind I think that it is better to let the players find their own ending because, one, it allows them to take the RP in the direction that they want, and two, it allows them to be creative instead of doing a more linear approach.
          Another Reason I wish to become staff is because I have noticed that on my time on Synergy, down times, or times when around -50 players are on, can be a bit bland and boring, I would hope to help these mundane times by, setting up small encounters, (which builds off my hope to be a GH/GM,) or to help people set up their own sims to reduce the amount of players that are bored. From what i've notice is that when people are bored for long amounts of time, they tend to get burned out, and that is the last thing that we need during a time that we are all locked inside our houses hiding from a virus. That fact that I have a horrible sleeping routine only helps this point because I decide to waste my waking hours on a video game, notably on this server.
          A final reason I wish to become staff is that I want to help the server in general, and I think that having a staff member who isnt AFK during down time, would benefit the Synergy community as a whole. I think that also it would be a great experience for my self to help others with what they require from a staff team which would help teach me to be more responsible as a person, and more importantly, as a trooper.

TL:DR - Want to be GM to stop boredom, Want to help during downtime, Want to help community as a whole.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Im Sound, I began playing on the server about when scribles was yoda. The first batt I ever joined was the 41st, and I loved it. I used to play alot on DarkRP back in 2018, then I was looking around for more gamemodes and found starwars RP, which as soon as I started playing on it, it was instantly a favorite of mine. Some aspects I love about it are the military feel and being able to interact with the things that I see in lore on the clonewars series. 

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: IceFuse - CityRP - Reached Mod +1 (forgot what they called the thing above mod)

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 379:11:01

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Forum Admin

+1, you are active and mean well but you can be quite mingy sometimes so try clean up on that and you'll be good 

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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You Have been ACCEPTED for interview!
Contact a HA by 5/21/2020 or your application will be Denied.


//Moved to Staff Applications -> Pending

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