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Teaa's Jawa Encounter

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Who helped (If applicable): Magician, Ecetera, Bruise

Encounter Name: Teaa's Jawa Encounter

Summary of the story: Basically There was a Jawa's droid on base that he was trying to take back. They were caught and attempted to call reinforcements to help them escape. They wanted to be friendly but were forced to be lethal.

What was the result of the event?: Jawa's ended up dead for nothing.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Supposed to be roleplay, ended up being more of a shoot em up

The only Wrecker that embraced his largeness. 

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1 minute ago, Baron said:

2/4 - The droid just magically appearing could have be handled a lot better. I would boost the rating but that was very immersion breaking and I know you can could have handled it in more immersive manner.

I'll make sure on future endeavors that everything is accounted for.

The only Wrecker that embraced his largeness. 

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