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Forseens Woenys and Jacksons Base secural


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Event Name:The Retake of Rishi Moon Outpost

Summary of the story: The CIS Took rishi moon outpost, The Republic moved in to take it back, They sent RC SC RANCOR 91ST  to secure the base in a stealth way which was done, Afterwards The republic knew that the CIS Would move back to take the outpost, 187th 212th 501st 28th 41st were sent to defend the base for the defense battalions, Attack battalions were sent to destroy the droid factory and hold the base

What was the result of the event?: The Repulic sucessfully took back the outpost

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Some of both

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The Good

This event was a MASTERPIECE. Absolutely fucking incredible. I was SO invested into the rescue and survival of the Commander taken hostage. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. Do more events like this.

The Bad

No event is without it’s flaws, though, and sadly, this one had some that left a bad taste in my mouth. I heard about Event Jobs being teleported and having their HP reset after they had already engaged with clones. Please don’t do this. If this didn’t happen, this would have be an actually perfect event.



Even with the bad things that happened, it would be a sin against humanity to not give this event a




But please, if you are going to do an event like this again, make sure everything is set up and everyone’s hp is set BEFORE the clones go loud.



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First Part

I loved the hell out of this part. It allowed for strong game play and immersion through out the whole event. The event was amazing because it challenged me as a leader, which most events don't do. With most events I can give out orders with basic thought and little care to complete the mission successfully. For this event, I was thinking 24/7 on where and how to position my troops. I had to use lots of organization, such as splitting my battalion into four squads; Charlie, Echo, Hades, and Jedi Strike.  Due to the fog used on map and the thoughtful placement of the droids, each squad had to be moved to thought and care. Fuck that really gave me an immersion boner. My troops were finally doing all the recon we had prepared and have trained for. The take over of the base was intense, especially since it was one line. It really gave me the strong sense of the clone wars when I moved 4 squads in and left with 1. The final minutes were intense with only two jedi and two clones left. Also props to you on having SC & RC stealth squad sneak into the base while 91st gave them the information. 

Second Part

Also amazing, thank you for letting me do the briefing lol, although i'm sure my in game mic probably didn't work/was too quiet. It was a event with speeders, so of course that'll always get a +1 from me. Also letting me lead the charges with the AT-TE was pretty cool lol. Of course it was a difficult due to lag, but thats hard to avoid. There was a decent amount of balance between NPCs/Vehicles and server performance, but otherwise it was pretty good. It was a good to see Marshal CMD Lazer with his assassination at the end, luckily I didn't receive a public court marshaling from him.


+1, would like more events like this where is challenges me as a leader.

-91st Battalion Commander Neyo / Jax

Edited by Jax
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