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Ban Appeal


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Name: Lense / Silent

Steam ID:  

Ban Reason: My Ban Reason is as follows, back around a year ago, not too sure of it thoe, a guy that i had an issue with, and in which i had to pay money back for, gave me a chance in which will allow me to lift the amount of money that i have to pay him, and that was to get players over to his server, which then made me be forced to leech community members from various communities, with that being said Synergy was one of them, i had asked 2 or 3 members of this community to check that guy's community out, which had lead to my ban.

Date of Ban: Not too sure back in 2019 November? around that.

Length of Ban: Permanent

Staff Member(s) Involved: It States Sanchez was the one who banned me. 

Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal:

Well There are many reasons as to why i think i should be given a second chance in this respectively as follows:


I have been so dedicated and loyal to this community ever since 2017, the day i joined and i have been able to make so many friends and achieve ranks that i had never dreamt of achieving on such a big server, as big as this one rather, on both my jedi and my clone life, being able to achieve the rank of 2ndLT in the 187th and Achieve the Rank of Knight in the Jedi order, passing one of the most difficult Trials ever placed, which had taken me, yes over a year to pass.


I have been such a positive and fun addition to this community on everything that i have really put time on, with that personality trait i have been able to make friends with some of the most known members of this community, including people with medals of honor, people with the rank of master and above and just regular guys who without them, this community wouldn't be the same.


Throughout my time i was able to keep myself and my standard active on the server, being on in almost every training, attending uncountable amounts of wargames, with the 501st when Omalic lead them and with the 187th, furthermore i was also able to create various documents to assist some people that i have worked with in the past which also falls under the topic of Dedication ^ 



As much as this topic sounds petty and obnoxious, but lets get personal here, i am not someone who is very fortunate when it comes to money and being able to donate to servers that i love on GMOD, let alone this server, and which also explains the reasoning of this ban and what lies behind it, and with that and all of my reasons i have donated for many things on this server including jedi, a hilt, the cross arms swep, etc. yet that is not the point, the reason why i am stating all of these donations that i have invested in on this server is to allow you, the community and the staff, that i wouldn't have donated and really did something that is not usual at all, just to simply get myself banned permanently, and i hope you guys can understand that
Evidence to support your claims: No Evidence today Fellers. 

Side Note: This Account is a new one that i have created, due to me simply wanting a cleaner account and a better reputation on this one.  Feel free to check my Old Account <3 

Wish me luck, and grant me forgiveness, for i am a better person now and i have learnt from my past mistakes, And i hope i can see you guys again, yet this time on the server! 


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Head Admin


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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Funny Story

I couldn't find you through any Docs via your Steam ID, Which, after finding your Profile via your Steam ID, looked extremely strange given you were both, a MedL/O and a TG, that was, until I found out your Jedi name was your Trooper name, and, found you in the Depths of the Jedi Docs, which made a Halfhour of digging myself into a Rabbit Hole pointless!

You strike me as a Straightforward Guy, that made one Mistake that, has a Blanket Rule Enforcement. I can Empthaize with you in Regards to the lack of ability to Fund a Small Island's worth of Hilt's, Crystals and Assorted Donation Items, as well as learning better than your Younger self. 

Personally, It's a +1 from me, but I think it would be best if you at least linked your Old Account, given that Staff don't take kindly to Alt Accounts. Clean Accounts or Fun, but, not allowed,  and very Contridictary to your overall attitude towards your Appeal, and the Intial Redflag that made me Skeptical and opt to dig further. 

Also, @Sanchez if you have something to add, please do. 

I think it's a bit weird that not only do you have zero screenshots prior to 2019, a Permaban to another Communtiy a Couple Months prior to getting banned here, as well as another one a couple months before that, but, it's not like every Screenshot is Public, or that Steam isn't more Autistic than I am in regards to features like that. 

As of right now, you've got a +1 from me, although while that's still unsorted, it's a bit on the Fence for me. Either way, best of luck to you.

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59 minutes ago, Forseen said:

Seems as though you forgot to mention this?


This seems like he’s being a headass in a sim. I mean, have you not ERP’d on the server at all with your friends/other people? I’m not saying it ok, I’m saying that in this instance the additional evidence brought forward shouldn’t change anyone’s stance on the appeal. 

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@Forseen respectively i would like to comment to post up evidence supporting my cause here, simply to inform you, how i truly understand that the video above is bad and has no excuse to it, yet you have to consider the date of this video, people do change and this video was uploaded over 2 years ago at December 30th, 2018, and re-uploaded 3 months ago, And if you wish to confirm that, please inform me and i will send you a screenshot of that, yet somehow i can post a screenshot on here from my gallery on my phone, thank you.

Edited by Monster
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After viewing the evidence and reading all responses regarding this ban appeal, a decision has been decided.


@Monster will be unbanned from his previously given permanent ban. However, you will be on a 90 day watch period. During this period if you are to preform any acts that requires a ban, you will be issued a permanent community-wide ban that will you will not be able to appeal. After this 90 day period, any ban will be taken by a case-by-case basis. 

Your in-game ban has already lifted, and please contact me on discord to get your TS ban lifted (Carvis#0420)


//moved to accepted

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