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Qal's Operation High Interference: Pt1


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Name:  Keller’s Unit Colonel Charger [Qal]


Who helped (If applicable):  Jack


Event Name:
Operation High Interference: Pt1


Summary of the story:
An Intelligence Officer has been speaking to High Command, his name is Romero. Romero has found what looks like a secret CIS Position  on the Astroid Moon of the Agamar System. High Command has chosen a Commando Unit to assault the Position using Stealth, instead of a full assault to capitalize on any Data the Position contains. Without the Posibility of the CIS Scuttling the Data. High Commands Unit consists of, SOBDE, Foxtrot, & Alpha ARC Troopers. If the Unit is in need of Assistance a QRF Force of 212th and DU’s Havok Squad will be deployed. 


What was the result of the event?: 

ARCA Deployed, Secured the Data, and have now Destroyed the Position.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:
Stealth Roleplay & Shoot em Up.



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GM Leadership

9/10,  Wish the rest of HC contributed. 



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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  • Management



i am literally captain tukk

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Lots of effort was put into the event down to the detail of giving droids their own patrol routes during the stealth section. The goal was a clear one and at no point did I ever feel, even with my potato machine with tunnel vision frames, that I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing.

Just going by the rating, really. Nothing was wrong, but nothing amazing stood out.

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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