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Tyennoch - Dooku Decieved


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Name: Tyennoch 

Who helped (If applicable): Oddshot, Bud, Bemis, Kase, Attie

Event Name: Dooku Decieved

Summary of the story: The republic received intel and Direct orders from the Chancellor on the Location of Dooku who had kidnapped a Representative of Naboo. His orders were to kill the representative as he was trying to hold peace talks with Dooku and attempt to end the war. So the clone in SOBDE and the Jedi were sent to take out the base and remove any traces of the talks.

 What was the result of the event?: Dooku Escaped, Representative Kills, Base go boom.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:  RP/shoot em up


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  • Management


We had tons of fun and I know it probably was a crazy ride for you lot but you gave us a good time so your doing a great job


i am literally captain tukk

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GM Leadership

10/10 Full Omega made it fun. I enjoyed the RP with Jedi.




I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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  • Retired Founder

Honestly I would rate that a solid 8/10.

Event was well conducted and fun, it was a good challenge. You coped with the Founders joining in and having their fun really well!
You took a fairly standard event idea and made it work really well.

Thank you.

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