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CWRP- Appa Staff Application


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RP Name: CG RTT CPL Appa

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:509637063

VIP (Y/N):  No

Age: 15

Timezone: Standard Mountain Time

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to better the server, in anyway I can, and this is one of the best ways and most effective ways. I think I can do very well in this position, which is a motivation of mine, I enjoy doing things I am good at. I also think it will be more fun to be an admin, to help out players with their questions. I like helping people, it gives me joy to do nice things, which is kind of a more personal answer, but I think it is a important reason. I also want to help out the current staff members, make their jobs easier by taking some of the staff tickets and answering them my self. I hope these are valid reasons, and if so, I hope they were what you were looking for.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Penn Keller, I am a 15 year old boy from Colorado, I am Caucasian, I am an atheist, I am a Freshman, I play Basketball, Baseball, and I Wrestle. I do ROTC, in which I am a PFC. I have dreams of joining the Marine Corps after High School, and become an Embassy Guard. In my free time I enjoy skiing, skateboarding, and playing on your server.  That's a little bit about me, its more of the surface level of information.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I have been staff of several minecraft servers, in which I was an admin, where I gave roles, permissions, and banned minges. Specifically it was 3 minecraft servers, all with around 70-100 players on them.

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 70 hours.


Edited by FanBoi
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