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Scribbles - Ancient Darkness


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Name: Scribbles 

Who helped (If applicable): Mav

Event Name:  Ancient Darkness 

Summary of the story: An deep, rather ancient darkness had emerged, Sith tribalsmen had broken a seal on "The Son". An offspring of the darkside entity had made its way to anaxes, cursing the land and planting totems. It had summoned a sith castle in the sky. harboring two bombs and an unknown, yet royal looking holocron. It was a trap, leading jedi and republic alike into the same building to fight and kill, only for the holocron to be taken from the sith and back to the holocron vault. The darkside entity had set up multiple illusions around the planet, fooling and tricking each republic member. Until he had been found out hidden inside the caves, ready for a final fight. 

What was the result of the event?: The Darkside entity casted a curse upon the land, resulting in many entities spewing poison and invading the temple. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay, shootemup

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Just now, Artemis - Phoenix said:

9/10 - Scribbles always pulls out a good event, always lovely use of characters and his RP is always on point. Nice usage of NPCs and the placements of them. Only issue would be maybe another GH to assist in making things a little smoother, there seemed to be big transition phases where you were moving about to rp and such. Overall bloody good event.

Just what I was about to say. Very good event Only Scribbles would be able to pull this off 9/10

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