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Mitchell - Easy Access


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Name: Mitchell

Who helped (If applicable): Robb

Event Name: Easy Access

Summary of the story: A group of sith want to raid the vault and take holocrons, they first set it up by stealing data from Anaxes to find secret ways into couruscant.

What was the result of the event?: They download the data with no issues, then they launched an attack on the base as a diversion. With the Jedi helping the base, they launched an attack on the temple. They managed to get into the holocron vault with no one showing up. They then put the holocrons on their ship, they attack the temple further until all die. Their master expresses his disgust at how easily they died. Taunting the Jedi due to them having lack luster defences.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up





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