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A salute to 327th and 187th!

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Same with the 91st, we will be sad to see them go. I haven't had much time with either battalion, but it'd be nice to see what you lot done in em and what made them special to you! 

The most interactions I had with 327th was when I joined their jedi for a wee bit.

187th I joined for a week or two when I wasn't active.

Drop an F in chat. ❤️ 

  • Friendly 3


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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1 minute ago, Mitchel said:

I’m just saying someone will ask for more batts soon, not that they themselves would come back

Yeah there will be idiots who don’t understand why we removed battalions in the first place and ask for new shit now that battalions are gone. Same thing happened with RM and Covert Ops

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If I'm being honest I don't get what's up with the removal of battalions, they just make a bunch of people who spent all their time making the battalion what it is feel like they wasted their time, it gives the server less variety when it comes to who to join, and it even makes some people want to leave the server. Anyways I know some bozo brain is gonna hit me with a response but tbh doesn't matter I said my input and now I'm going to play Dark Souls, have fun gamers.

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