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FM (Wolffe) Commander Report


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Your Name: Foxey

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10143574

Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: Executive Officer, Intel Director, Medical Lead Dash-44

Battalion Commander(+)'s Name: FM 

Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID (OPTIONAL IF UNABLE TO FIND): STEAM_0:0:104948679

Battalion/Squad/Regiment/Brigade: 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion, Specialized Regiment

Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?: FM uses Discord White Theme and refuses to change the error of his ways.

Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?: Uh, yeah. Totally.

Evidence against the individual?: https://prnt.sc/pdvqgo

Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?: Wolfpack Lead Comet (Caulin)

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50 minutes ago, Korm said:

Now I can power play into a BCMD spot.



wait what.



Ohhhhh another public demotion?

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i am literally captain tukk

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