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I am so tired of the shootings.


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I hate looking at the news and seeing 10 dead 20 dead 4 dead... they just keep adding up and it seems that nothing can be done about it. I am pro gun and i dont want this to turn political please but its like do i really believe in Pro gun anymore? Yeah illegal and stuff but jesus man idk. All these communities and stuff. How long before its one of us that we loose? I know DB shootings are a meme but its starting to leave a really bad taste in my mouth with all of this. 


I am just hear to rant. Thank you for your time. 

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Listen man, shit sucks. Some people are shitty people who have a shitty sense of personality.

We’ll unfortunately never be able to identify who is going to perform said action. It really is a world to live in, and I’m sorry to anyone who has to live with that. All you can do is pray that it never happens to you.


whatever you believe in, whatever political stance you stand, just keep on surviving.

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Things happen, people have put shit like control and all thet and it hasn't changed a thing, in the end the way to stop someone with a gun from taking more lives is with another gun that's how you'll protect your loved ones and thats how some can feel safe 

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Many people miss the point of having weapons in the hand of citizens its for "Self protection" its not to stop another bad guy its to protect ones self from the government and these shootings suck they really do and smarter not more restrictions need to be placed on how a person buys a gun in the united states 

Firstly I think requiring people to take a safety course in the weapon they are wanting to buy this would help accidental deaths of guns but this applies to all firearms fuckin frank wants to buy a full auto machine gun sure but he has to do this safety course 

secondly Mental evals when someone buys a gun should be a must for obvious reasons 

Thirdly and this is just my libertarian side no restrictions on what guns people can buy only on how they can get it with proper certificates I should be able to buy any gun I want 

forth Eliminate the loopholes that exist 

If someone were to draft a bill like this It would most likely get bipartisan support but democrats and republicans now a days are so fucking far left and far right that nothing will get done gone are the days of moderates and today we live in a world of extremest sad but true nothing will be done to fix the issue its going to keep happening as it is   


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The shootings may suck but people are killed by way more than just guns it's just what the news publicizes for clicks to get traffic to their websites and stations knowing that it is a hot topic and that they can spin it into any form they want to so they can gain controversy thus more people viewing them. Problem is this also can inspire psychos as they can believe they are deranged enough to become famous from this. Like for example in NY a guy walked into a store and said you'll see me on the news later to the clerk and then went and shot two officers.


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